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ASSESSMENT OF THINKING SKILLS Involving pupils in their own assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSESSMENT OF THINKING SKILLS Involving pupils in their own assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSESSMENT OF THINKING SKILLS Involving pupils in their own assessment

2 Starting points HOW IS ”COGNITION” DEFINED? WHAT ARE ”THINKING SKILLS”? - Cognitive functions; metacognitive functions - Processing information - Remembering - Constructing: assimilation, accomodation

3 Conception of Learning Socio-constructivism, students’ active role Learning is situational - importance of school culture and learning environment Inclusive pedagogy Balance between academic achievement and student welfare

4 How to support children with special needs? Co-operation with parents Assesment -Initial, continious, self- assesment, discussions Support services - Health, physical, psychological and social well- being -Multi- professional network

5 1. Background factors in learning Previous knowledge Abilities Intelligence Personality; concept of self as a learner Family background Learning environment; curriculum, teaching methods, subject, teacher, assessment methods

6 2. Learning process Strategies, learningstyles, ways of processing Metacognition, being aware of own learning Motivation, orientation

7 3. Results of learning Conception of the phenomena Mental models Skills Achieving learner`s own goals Working habits and working forms Results of learning tasks Grades, feedback

8 How does a child learn? A child assesses which are the most important knowledge and skills and sets goals for his/herself. A child learns by thinking, by experiencing, by investigating and by training A child is contructing new knowledge and skills for his self. When a child is choosing different kinds of acting models in different learning situations hi/ her learning can be called intentional and strategical Being aware of own learning = metacognitive skills and knowledge

9 Consciousness of mental processes = 1. Metacognitive knowledge Personal knowledge of self and others as learners and information dealers Knowledge of different tasks and the effects of their features on performance and actions Knowledge of different strategies and how they effect on achieving goals in learning (what, how, when and why)

10 2. Metacognitive skills Planning skills - setting goals - assessing of requirements - choosing procedures and acting models Conducting skills - directing and regulating own actions Assessing skills - checking, testing - assessing

11 3. Metacognitive experiences Individual sense and knowledge of - own actions - own intellectual competence - own ways of thinking - own strategies - own feelings

12 LEARNING THE STRATEGIES : INSTRUCTING THE CHILD FOLLOW UP HIS OWN WAY OF understanding, remembering, learning, problem solving, keeping up his motivation and regulating of emotions.

13 Annevirta, T. & Iiskala, T. (2003). Annevirta, T. & Vauras, M. (2006) ”Miten tukea oppilaiden metakognitiota luokkatyöskentelyssä? ” = ”How to support pupil`s metacognition in classroom?” (The Research Centre of Learning, University of Turku)

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