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GLOBALIZATION AND VULNERABILITY Presented by James Mittelman Prepared for SAVI Workshop Maputo, Mozambique 19-21 June 03.

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBALIZATION AND VULNERABILITY Presented by James Mittelman Prepared for SAVI Workshop Maputo, Mozambique 19-21 June 03."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLOBALIZATION AND VULNERABILITY Presented by James Mittelman Prepared for SAVI Workshop Maputo, Mozambique 19-21 June 03

2 Introduction What is the relationship between globalization and vulnerability? Specific questions to explore: What is globalization? What is marginalization? What are the linkages between globalization and marginalization?

3 Conceptualizing Globalization, a Major Driver of Vulnerability: Three Possibilities Increasing interconnections Compression of time and space An historical transformation in economics, politics, and culture

4 Conceptualizing Marginalization A visual sense, as with the outer edge viewed from the center The economic usage—the point at which the returns from an activity barely cover its costs

5 My Thesis Southern Africa is firmly tethered to globalization along certain axes but not others Following is a research framework for examining major axes

6 Axes of Globalization Axis I: Financial Globalization Axis II: Military Globalization Axis III: Technological Globalization

7 Proposed Strategic Responses in Southern Africa A new regionalism Civil society and social movements Educational policies

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