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THE CATHOLIC ANSWER GAME Created by Ronald J. Evans, SFO A series of games for families, elementary, middle and, high school, adult education, RCIA, Sacramental.

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Presentation on theme: "THE CATHOLIC ANSWER GAME Created by Ronald J. Evans, SFO A series of games for families, elementary, middle and, high school, adult education, RCIA, Sacramental."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE CATHOLIC ANSWER GAME Created by Ronald J. Evans, SFO A series of games for families, elementary, middle and, high school, adult education, RCIA, Sacramental preparation, that both teaches and reinforces the teachings found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Scripture and Apostolic Tradition. The source for the questions and answers come from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Bible, Apostolic Tradition and other Catholic religious materials. A series of games for families, elementary, middle and, high school, adult education, RCIA, Sacramental preparation, that both teaches and reinforces the teachings found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Scripture and Apostolic Tradition. The source for the questions and answers come from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Bible, Apostolic Tradition and other Catholic religious materials. 6/9/20091

2 The questions and answers in this game come the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture and other Catholic religious source material. This game and others games like it are an excellent source for use in reinforcing Catholic formation at home for parents, to teach their children about our Catholic Faith and what it means to be a Catholic, in grade school, high school, RCIA, adult education, sacramental preparation. The questions and answers in this game come the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture and other Catholic religious source material. This game and others games like it are an excellent source for use in reinforcing Catholic formation at home for parents, to teach their children about our Catholic Faith and what it means to be a Catholic, in grade school, high school, RCIA, adult education, sacramental preparation. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 6/9/20092


4 1. The purpose of this game is to review your knowledge of what you as a Catholic should know and believe about your Catholic Faith. 2. The number of points for each question is found in the category box. (Slide 6) 3. In slide 6 click on the points you to answer, i.e.: column 1, 5 points 4. Slide11 will appear with the question. After the question has been answered verbally, click the picture in the lower right corner and the next slide with the answer will appear. 5. Click on the picture in the answer slide and the points slide number 6 will reappear 6. Continue to follow steps above to continue game. 6/9/20094

5 Before we begin our game let us pray: Dear Father in heaven we thank you for sending your beloved Son Jesus to teach us your will and for offering up his life on the cross for our sins. As we play this game please send you Holy Spirit upon us to open our hearts and minds to understand what you desire us to know so that we may grow in our knowledge, love and service to you and to follow Jesus command: “Go forth and spread the good news.” We ask this in Jesus name. Amen. A.M.D.G ALL FOR THE HONOR AND GLORY OF GOD 6/9/20095

6 Column One Column Two Column Three Column Four Column Five Column Six 121212 343434 565656 787878 9109 9 111211121112 6/9/20096 WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT BAPTISM

7 6/9/20097 Q1 The sacrament that opens the door to reception of the other sacraments is?

8 6/9/20098 A1 Baptism

9 9 CCC -1213 6/9/2009 Q3 What is Baptism?

10 10 CCC 1213 6/9/2009 A3 Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life

11 11 CCC 1234 6/9/2009 Q5 Baptism takes away which sins?

12 12 CCC -1213 6/9/2009 A5 Original sin and all the sins we have committed

13 13 CCC 1213 6/9/2009 Q7 Who committed the Original sin?

14 14 CCC 1234 6/9/2009 A7 Adam and Eve

15 6/9/200915 Q9 Baptism is the gateway to life in the?

16 6/9/200916 A9 Holy Spirit

17 6/9/200917 Q11 Besides having our sins washed away in baptism, what three (3)things happens to us?

18 6/9/200918 A11 Adopted sons and daughters of God Heirs to the Kingdom of God Members of the Church

19 6/9/200919 Q2 How does the celebration of Baptism begin?

20 6/9/200920 A2 It begins with the Sign of the Cross

21 6/9/200921 Q4 Why does the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism begin with the Sign of the Cross?

22 6/9/200922 A4 The imprint of cross on the forehead person to be baptized signifies they will through baptism belong to Jesus Christ

23 6/9/200923 Q6 The Sign of the Cross signifies?

24 6/9/200924 A6 The grace of the redemption Christ won for us by his cross.

25 6/9/200925 Q8 After imprinting the Sign of the Cross on the forehead of the person to be Baptized we have the?

26 6/9/200926 A8 The Proclamation of the Word of God.

27 6/9/200927 Q10 Baptism signifies release from sin and from its instigator the devil, as exorcisms are pronounced over the person to be baptized. How does the priest do this?

28 6/9/200928 A10 The priest anoints the person with the oil of catechumens, and he explicitly (clearly) renounces Satan.

29 6/9/200929 Q12 By what method is a person baptized?

30 6/9/200930 A12 By immersion or by pouring water over the head three time and saying the words of Baptism

31 6/9/200931 Q1 What are the words of spoken by the priest while baptizing a person?

32 6/9/200932 A1 “I baptize you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

33 6/9/200933 Q3 The anointing with sacred chrism, perfumed oil consecrated by the bishop signifies?

34 6/9/200934 A3 The gift of the Holy Spirit to the newly baptized who has become a Christian.

35 6/9/200935 Q5 The white garment symbolizes that the person baptized has?

36 6/9/200936 A5 “Put on Christ, has risen with Christ.

37 6/9/200937 Q7 The candle, lit from the Easter candle, signifies the baptized are?

38 6/9/200938 A7 In Christ the baptized are “the light of the world.”

39 6/9/200939 Q9 Baptism concludes with a?

40 6/9/200940 A9 Solemn Blessing

41 6/9/200941 Q11 Who can receive baptism?

42 6/9/200942 A11 Every person not yet baptized and only such a person is able to be baptized.

43 6/9/200943 Q2 This sacrament of Baptism opens the door to?

44 6/9/200944 A2 Reception of the other sacraments.

45 6/9/200945 Q4 An non-baptized adult preparing to become a Christian is called a?

46 6/9/200946 A4 “ Catechumen

47 6/9/200947 Q6 As a “catechumen, a person is preparing for the sacraments of?

48 6/9/200948 A6 Initiation

49 6/9/200949 Q8 The Sacraments of initiation are?

50 6/9/200950 A8 Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist

51 6/9/200951 Q10 When should a baby be baptized?

52 6/9/200952 A10 An infant should be Baptized as soon as possible after his/her birth. This allows the child to become a child of God a priceless grace.

53 6/9/200953 Q12 What is the prime responsibility of parents raising their children?

54 6/9/200954 A12 To know, love and serve God

55 6/9/200955 Q1 What is the Church’s responsibility in helping parents to teach their children to know, love and serve God

56 6/9/200956 A1. To assist the parents in this task

57 6/9/200957 Q3 What is the Trinitarian Baptismal Formula ?

58 6/9/200958 A3 While pouring of water over his/her head three times while these words are spoken:.” “I baptize you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

59 6/9/200959 Q5 Who said the Baptism is necessary for salvation?

60 6/9/200960 A5 Jesus

61 6/9/200961 Q7 What did Jesus command his disciples to proclaim?

62 6/9/200962 A7 He commands his disciples to proclaim the Gospel to all nations and to baptize them.

63 6/9/200963 Q9 Baptism is necessary for whom?

64 6/9/200964 A9 Baptism is necessary for salvation for those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed and who have had the possibility of asking for this sacrament.

65 6/9/200965 Q11 The Church has always held the firm conviction that those who suffer death for the sake of the faith without having received Baptism are baptized by their death for and with Christ, this is called?

66 6/9/200966 A11 This is Baptism of Blood

67 6/9/200967 Q2 For catechumens who die before their Baptism, receive?

68 6/9/200968 A2 Baptism of Desire

69 6/9/200969 Q4 By Baptism all sins are forgiven, original sin and all personal sins, as well as?

70 6/9/200970 A4 All punishment for sin.

71 6/9/200971 Q6 By Baptism we become a temple of?

72 6/9/200972 A6 The Holy Spirit

73 6/9/200973 Q8 When did Jesus institute the sacrament of Matrimony?

74 6/9/200974 A8 At the Wedding Feast of Cana

75 6/9/200975 Q10 When did Jesus institute the Sacrament of Holy Orders?

76 6/9/200976 A10 During the Last Supper

77 6/9/200977 Q12 Our Catholic Faith revolves around what Sacrament?

78 6/9/200978 A12 The Holy Eucharist

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