Add or Delete Features: Within store advertising View as slide show Adapted from

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1 Add or Delete Features: Within store advertising View as slide show Adapted from

2 Pizza Case: Within store advertising A pizza store is considering two ad campaigns. One starts with a fully loaded pizza and allows customers to save money by removing toppings. The other starts with the basic cheese pizza and allows customers to add toppings at an additional cost. Which campaign would have higher sales? _____ Scale down _____ Build up Click for the findings in this experiment. 2 “Scale-down” version had twice as many ingredients as build-up version (Levin et al. 2002 experiments in Italy and U.S.)Levin et al. 2002 experiments in Italy and U.S. Inform committed customers that they can delete features, rather than add them (1.3.5)

3 Conditions Remember that this only applies to committed customers, such as people in a store. To attract customers to the store, you may need to advertise a low price, then suggest additions once the customer in in the store.

4 Based on this exercise, write a small application step for yourself, and set a deadline, preferably within one week. If you are working with someone else, share your application plan and the results of your application. For example, examine how you offer extra features. For in-store advertising, allow customers to delete instead of add them. Adapted from

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