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START WITH ART Using works of art to lay the cultural foundations for the six distinct time periods of AP World History.

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Presentation on theme: "START WITH ART Using works of art to lay the cultural foundations for the six distinct time periods of AP World History."— Presentation transcript:

1 START WITH ART Using works of art to lay the cultural foundations for the six distinct time periods of AP World History

2 OBJECTIVE To start a new unit with material designed to focus students’ attention and interest To lay the cultural foundations for the varying societies we will study. To pique students’ interest to want to see and/or read more on the subject To create a sense of awe and wonder for history and art. To provide materials for discussion and higher order thinking skills.

3 PRE-HISTORY Cultures Hunter-Gatherer societies Farmers Pastoral Herders Types Figurtive or Symbolic Venus Statues Painting shapes Body, portable, parietal Adorn the body Art to be carried Art in caves, Stonehenge

4 CAVE PAINTINGS Lascaux, France and Altamira, Spain


6 VENUS FIGURINES Where used Paleolithic Societies Neolithic Societies Villages “Earth Mother” Female-centered religious cults Fertility

7 RIVER VALLEY CIVILIZATIONS Ancient Civilizations Hearth Civilizations Tigris-Euphrates: Sumer, Akkad, Babylon Nile Indus Yellow River Olmecs Changes from Neolithic to Civilization Complex religion Institutions such as states Specialization Architecture becomes critical

8 MESOPOTAMIA Sumerian Seals Ziggurats Epic of Gilgamesh Deities statues Gold jewelry Bas-relief Hammurabi’s code

9 EGYPT Pyramids Funerary statues Hieroglyphics Deity Statues Frescos Sarcophagus Book of the Dead

10 CHINA Yang-Shao pottery Oracle Bones Ideographs Silk Paintings Shang Bronzes Zhou Bronzes

11 MOHENJO-DARO HARAPPA Terracota statues Indus Seals Gold jewelry Bronze Dancer Architecture Public Baths

12 OLMEC Basalt heads Glyphic proto-alphabet Architecture San Lorenzo La Venta Stone stelae Jade Were Jaguar figurines

13 1200 BCE TO 600 CE THE CLASSICAL AGE  Classical Civilizations  India from the Aryans to the Gupta  China from the Zhou to the Han  SW Asia of the Assyrians and Persians  Mediterranean of the Greeks and Romans  Africa of the Ethiopians and Nubians  Nomadic and Pastoral Peoples  Changes in Themes from Ancient Cultures  Rise of Cosmopolitan (Trans-regional) cultures  Rise of Cosmopolitan religions, philosophies  Increased Interactions: War, Trade, Exchanges  Stratification of classes; rise of aristocracy  Rise of large metropolis centers

14 EARLY BELIEF SYSTEMS Polytheism Judaism Philosophy Hinduism Confucianism Daoism Buddhism Christianity ?

15 CLASSICAL SOUTHWEST ASIA Empires Assyria Babylon Persia Other Cultures Phoenicians Jews Images of state power Trading goods Images of chief gods

16 CLASSICAL EAST ASIA Dynasties Western Zhou Qin Han First Chinese Empire Philosophies Lao Tzu Confucius Legalism Trade and Silk Road The Mean People

17 CLASSICAL INDIA Timeline 16 Great States Rise of Aristocratic Republics Persian and Greek Intrusions Mauryan Dynasty Guptan Dynasty Kushan Period Religious Influences Hinduism Buddhism Jainism Influences on arts Constant movement Conquest by outsiders Blending of cultures Rise of castes Contacts through trade

18 CLASSICAL MEDITERRANEAN Early Period to 700 BCE Cultures Phoenicians Minoans Mycenaeans Etruscans Kelts Influences Cosmopolitan cultures Popular Movement Exchanges of ideas, goods Conquest and War Importance of state

19 CLASSICAL MEDITERRANEAN Greece and Persia Periods Hellenic Greeks Hellenistic Greeks Antigonids Ptolemies Seleucids Parthians Sasanids Themes Rationality Reason Realism Balances Exchanges

20 CLASSICAL ROME Republican and Imperial Rome Republic Imperial Hellenistic Culture Veritas Realism Practical Utility Emphasis on state Architecture Blending of cultures

21 CLASSICAL PRE-COLUMBIAN AMERICAS Mesoamericas Maya Toltec Aztec Andean Inca Themes Indigenous Tribute states Environment

22 NOMADS & SEMI-NOMADIC PEOPLES Eurasia Indo-Europeans Indo-Aryans Indo-Iranians Xiong-nu (Huns) Africa Nok Bantu Pacific Polynesians Themes Portable Decorative Personal Often utilitarian

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