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Presentation on theme: "STUNNING TOOLS THAT WANT TO WORK FOR YOU TO BUILD YOUR AUDIENCE 11."— Presentation transcript:


2 Learn more on #1 #2 #3 CLICK TO TWEET Clicktotweet for embedding tweets in emails to increase conversions and shares. JPEG MINI JPEGmini reduces the size of images to speed up download times on mobile phones–with no loss in image quality. This is something your mobile users will love you for and they won’t even know it. JPEGmini also wins honorable mention for a great tag line “Your photos on a diet.” You can try them for a free trial. Plans begin at $19.99 per month. GOOGLE XML SITEMAPS Google XML Sitemaps is the one of the most important plugin tools you need to configure on your wordpress site immediately you get started. A sitemap is used by search engines to index all the pages, posts, content and content meta data on your site. It even keeps track of when the content was last modified and identifies what are the most important parts of the site. This is crucial because you want your site to be easily and accurately indexed by the search engines. This is how the search engines determine what your site is about, how relevant it is for a particular search term, and what parts of the site are most important.

3 Learn more on #4 #5 MOBILE TEMPLATES Campaign Monitor offers you free mobile-friendly email templates and template builder. GOOGLE ANALYTICS Google Analytics allows you to track incoming traffic from your email campaigns and isolate click-through stumbling blocks in your campaign. Most email platforms offer step by step instructions on how to integrate their email with Google Analytics. INSTABUILDER Instabuilder develops and tests heavily optimized landing pages, offering a variety of templates customized for various needs like 2-Step Opt-In, 3 Step Opt-In, Sales pages, to Thank You Pages, Confirmation Pages and more. You can perform A/B test to see which landing pages work best for your campaign. #6

4 Learn more on #7 #8 #9 CANDDI CANDDI tracks responses to emails, SEO, and PPC ads by profiling and identifying the individuals who visit your site, after clicking on an email ink. The profile tells you who they are, who they work for, and what they specifically visited on your site as an indication of interest. This one, like retargeted advertising can be a bit creepy, but the beauty of it, is that it helps you to focus on your marketing outreach to the people most interested in you for higher conversion rates. Pricing starts at $167 per month. SCRIBE SEO The Scribe SEO Plugin is another useful plugin. Within the Wordpress mainframe. It helps you identify and focus on keywords with an integrated keyword suggestion tool, create reader-focused content, and has link building tools to help you get incoming links as well as build links within your own site. INFOGRAPHICS Do you have a lot of data to turn into a story? Use an Infographic. Highly share- able Infographics boil down huge data to something we can understand. Be sure to include an opt-in link for more information or a related offer in the footer, or elsewhere in the Infographic.

5 Learn more on #10 FREE TRIALS Great list-builder for products and software. Set trial period for long enough to get results, usually 30 days or less. Use a killer welcome series that is designed to coach your trial user to succeed right away. Sign-up should require only an email address. You can get more later when they can’t live without you and sign up. Be prepared to offer a bonus, discount, or other “kicker” to inspire sign-up—which is okay since you can upsell them later down the road.

6 Learn more on #11 CONTENT It goes without saying that great content wins the day. If you take care to build and craft great content article you won’t need to worry about your ascension to the top. To build great content, you need to obviously have great understanding of your topic, but you also need to understanding the recent changes to Google’s algorithim that totally changes the scope of content ranking. It’s no longer enough to stuff articles with lots of keywords and hope your website will rank high. That’s no longer working. Whatever you write must rank high for keywords and long-tail keywords, but it must be written in a pleasant, ‘human’ manner that proves that it’s unique and well thought-out. Thankfully, you can outsource this entire function so you no longer have to worry about where original articles every week and every month are gong to come from. Let’s face it. You’re too busy, and you’re going to need to take care of other parts of the business, so getting the time to sit down and write tons of fresh stuff is going to be hard. That’s where we come in. Let’s do the hard work for you and you take the credit for it. ORIGINAL, OPTIMIZED, FRESH CONTENT.

7 Instant Access! I’LL SHOW YOU HOW TO…  Create an irresistible email opt-in (lead-magnet) that inspires highly qualified leads to buy from you, or donate to you  How to promote your email opt-in with powerful copy that works, a memorable landing page to capture the email address, and a welcome email series designed to convert your lead into a customer or donor.  9 Training Guides, Blueprints, Cheat Sheets & Checklists  Facebook and Pinterest Group support.  Instant access: LET’S DO THIS!! IN THE NEXT 7 DAYS, YOU COULD HAVE… High quality content articles… Heavily optimized for SEO Engines… Written to recommended length that Search engines love… Power-packed with references, facts.. Written in friendly language that keeps readers coming back for more.. A new opt-in email address to capture email addresses and build you list pronto! A high converting lead capture page… Want to triple your list size?


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