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Definite articles With specific things. Definite articles Nouns name people, animals, places, or things. –A–All spanish nouns have masculine or feminine.

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Presentation on theme: "Definite articles With specific things. Definite articles Nouns name people, animals, places, or things. –A–All spanish nouns have masculine or feminine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definite articles With specific things

2 Definite articles Nouns name people, animals, places, or things. –A–All spanish nouns have masculine or feminine gender. El chico o la chica –W–When nouns identify one item they are singular. El amigo o la amiga –W–When they identify more then one, they are plural. Los amigos o las amigas

3 In Spanish, the definite article that accompanies a noun will match its gender and number.

4 Definite article Francisco says: Son para el concurso. They are for the contest. ¡ A los nuevos amigos! To new friends!

5 The gender of a noun must be learned. Usually: –N–Nouns ending with o are masculine. –N–Nouns ending with a are femine. Knowing the gender of nouns that refer to people is easy. But how do you learn the gender of things? When learning a new word such as camiseta. Say it to yourself and aloud several times. That will help you remember its gender.

6 Indefinite Articles with unspecified things A noun may sometimes appear with an indefinite article.

7 Indefinite articles The indefinite articles that accompanies a noun will also match its gender and number.

8 Indefinite articles Por ejemplo (for example): Francisco says: –Raul lleva una camiseta. –Raul wears a T-shirt.

9 Using adjectives to describe gender Adjectives describe nouns. Like articles, they match the gender of the nouns they describe. In spanish adjectives usually follow the noun.

10 Masculine adjectives Often end in –o El chico guapo. The good looking boy

11 Feminine adjectives Often ends in –a La chica guapa. The good looking girl.

12 Most adjectives that end with –e match both genders. –E–El chico paciente. –L–La chica paciente. Many adjective that end with a consonant match both genders. –E–El chico fenomenal –L–La chica fenomenal Some add –a to become feminine. These adjectives must be learned. –E–El chico trabajador –L–La chica trabajadora


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