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1 Dragon NaturallySpeaking User Testimonials CONSUMER I Speak Dragon 2009 – Audio Files.

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1 1 Dragon NaturallySpeaking User Testimonials CONSUMER I Speak Dragon 2009 – Audio Files

2 2 Working Mom using Dragon “I'm a full-time employed wife and Mom doing a mid-life doctorate. Dragon has been an amazing boost to my productivity--it helps me carve out time, prioritize, and keep everything afloat. I use it with a digital voice recorder in the car to dictate thoughts, grocery lists, menu plans, to-do's, etc. I use it on my home computer to dictate text and citations into Endnote for my doctoral research; expenses into my Excel spreadsheets; and thoughts into my Personal Brain software. I use it at home and work to dictate emails in MS Outlook and documents in Word and Power Point. To stay in touch with friends and family, I dictate into Skype chat, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Dragon makes my life do-able!”

3 3 Dragon Customer Maria Isomnia “The Dragon has restored my independence and even more importantly my dignity as an adult. I am able to be self-sufficient when using my computer. I can easily navigate the Internet, and do everything that most people take for granted. I have been disabled with MS approximately 30 years. I was relying on other people to type all of my correspondence (including personal letters to family and friends, memos to myself, and business letters). Needless to say this was an intrusion on my privacy. Dragon has been the most valuable purchase in my life. For only a small amount of money I received a whole new life. I can honestly tell everyone that my friend the Dragon has completely transformed my entire life!”

4 4 Dragon customer Christine Sweikowski “How would Michelangelo or Picasso paint a picture with a broken paintbrush? That was how I felt. I found that after my accident, I essentially had a broken brush. I had spent the majority of my adult life painting pictures using words and this was becoming very difficult to continue. As an English teacher I was surrounded by words. Typing with one hand is acceptable for notes or for writing quick e-mail communications. It does not allow for the imagination to move freely. By the time one thought is put safely on the paper the next 14 have disappeared. This was very discouraging. Obtaining my own copy of the Dragon is a lifesaver to me. All of the pictures that swirled around in my mind could now be put down on paper before they were lost.”

5 5 A Dragon NaturallySpeaking Customer “A little over three years ago I was injured in a motocross accident. As soon as my head hit the ground I broke my C-1 and C-2 vertebrates and was paralyzed from the neck down. After the injury I basically spent the next year and a half in and out of rehab hospitals. One of these hospitals introduced me to Dragon. This program is the one thing in my life that I can do all by myself. It really is my independence. I don't have to count on anyone else to help me do anything while I'm on the computer. Not only has the program given me something I can always do; Surf the Internet, communicate with friends, just mess around and keep myself busy, it helps me tremendously with my schoolwork and gives me a good amount of privacy. I have been in college for two full semesters now and without Dragon I really don't think I would be doing as well in school and life in general. I feel like it has really given me another arm.”

6 6 A Dragon NaturallySpeaking Customer “As a quadriplegic, for me it's quite simple, Dragon NaturallySpeaking is indispensable in my life. Dragon allows me to be a far more productive member of our family and society. Without it, I could not. It is the difference between being productive and being inactive. With Dragon, I am able to do everything an able-bodied person would do with a computer. And in this digital age that's a lot! I am able to not only operate my computer hands-free, but the features and shortcuts within Dragon allowed me to do so often more quickly than someone using a keyboard and mouse.”

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