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Office 2003 Advanced Concepts and Techniques M i c r o s o f t Outlook Project 2 Scheduling Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook.

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Presentation on theme: "Office 2003 Advanced Concepts and Techniques M i c r o s o f t Outlook Project 2 Scheduling Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office 2003 Advanced Concepts and Techniques M i c r o s o f t Outlook Project 2 Scheduling Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook

2 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 2 Objectives Start Outlook and open the Calendar folder Describe the components of the Calendar – Microsoft Outlook window and understand the elements of the Outlook Navigation Pane Enter, move, and edit one-time and recurring appointments Create an event Display the calendar in Day, Work Week, Week, and Month views

3 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 3 Objectives Create and customize a task list and move it to a new folder Import, export, and delete personal subfolders Delegate tasks Schedule a meeting Customize the calendar

4 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 4 Objectives Print the calendar in Daily Style, Weekly Style, and Monthly Style Enable and start instant messaging address in the contact list Add an instant messaging address in the contact list Send an instant message and send a file with instant messaging

5 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 5 Starting and Customizing Outlook Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, point to All Programs on the Start menu, point to Microsoft Office on the All Programs submenu, and then click Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 on the Microsoft Office submenu If necessary, click the Calendar button on the left side of the window If the Calendar – Microsoft Office window is not maximized, double-click its title bar to maximize it If the Language bar appears, right-click it and then click Close the Language bar on the shortcut menu

6 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 6 Starting and Customizing Outlook

7 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 7 Microsoft Outlook Navigation Pane

8 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 8 Entering Appointments Using the Appointment Area If necessary, click the scroll arrows in the Date Navigator to display September 2005 Click 12 in the September calendar in the Date Navigator to display it in the appointment area Drag through the 9:00 – 10:00 am time slot Type Web Development as the first appointment

9 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 9 Entering Appointments Using the Appointment Area Drag through the 10:30 am – 11:30 am time slot Type Data Modeling as the second appointment Drag through the 12 pm – 1:00 pm time slot Type Lunch – Fall Sports Captains as the third appointment and then press the ENTER key

10 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 10 Entering Appointments Using the Appointment Area

11 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 11 Entering and Saving Appointments Using the Appointment Window Drag through the 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm time slot and then click the New Appointment button on the Standard toolbar Type Team meeting in the Subject text box and then press the TAB key to move the insertion point to the Location text box Type Union Cafe in the Location text box Click the Save and Close button on the Standard toolbar

12 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 12 Entering and Saving Appointments Using the Appointment Window

13 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 13 Entering Recurring Appointments With Monday, September 12, 2005 displayed, double-click the words Web Development in the 9:00 – 10:00 time slot Click the Location text box and then type Knoy 412 to set the location of the class Point to the Recurrence button on the Standard toolbar Click the Recurrence button

14 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 14 Entering Recurring Appointments When the Appointment Recurrence dialog box is displayed, click the Wednesday check box to select the days this appointment will recur Click End after in the Range of recurrence area, double- click the End after text box, and then type 30 as the number of occurrences Click the OK button Click the Save and Close button on the Standard toolbar in the Web Development – Appointment window Repeat the previous steps to make the Data Modeling and Team Meeting appointments recurring. Refer to Table 2-1 on page OUT 75 for the location reange, and ending dates

15 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 15 Entering Recurring Appointments

16 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 16 Moving to the Next Day in the Appointment Area, and Entering the Remaining Recurring Appointments Click 13 in the September 2005 calendar in the Date Navigator Drag through the 9:30 am – 10:30 am time slot Click the New Appointment button on the Standard toolbar Enter the recurring appointments provided in Table 2-2 on page OUT 77 Click the Save and Close button in the Appointment window

17 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 17 Moving to the Next Day in the Appointment Area, and Entering the Remaining Recurring Appointments

18 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 18 Deleting an Appointment Click the scroll arrows in the Date Navigator to display November 2005 Click 24 in the November 2005 calendar Click the first appointment to be deleted, Statistics, and then click the Delete button on the Standard toolbar Click the OK button

19 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 19 Deleting an Appointment

20 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 20 Moving an Appointment to a New Time If necessary, click the scroll arrow in the Date Navigator to display September 2005 Click 12 in the September 2005 calendar in the Date Navigator Position the mouse pointer on the blue left border of the Lunch – Fall Sports Captains appointment Drag the appointment down to the 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm time slot. Do not release the mouse button Release the mouse button to drop the appointment in the new time slot

21 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 21 Moving an Appointment to a New Time

22 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 22 Creating an Event If necessary, click the left scroll arrow to display September 2005 in the Date Navigator. Click 30 in the September 2005 calendar in the Date Navigator Double-click the date heading at the top of the appointment area. When the Untitled – Event window opens, type Jose’s birthday in the Subject text box Click the Save and Close button on the Standard toolbar

23 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 23 Creating an Event

24 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 24 Changing to Work Week View Click Tuesday, September 13 in the Date Navigator Click the Work Week button on the Standard toolbar If necessary, scroll up in the appointment area until the 8:00 am time slot appears

25 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 25 Changing to Week View Click the Week button on the Standard toolbar

26 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 26 Changing to Month View Click the Month button on the Standard toolbar Click the Day button to return to Day view

27 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 27 Creating a Task List Click the Tasks button in the Navigation Pane Click the New Task text box and then type Check on Web book as the first task Press the TAB key and then type 9/11/2005 in the Due Date text box and press the ENTER key Click outside the task list

28 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 28 Creating a Task List

29 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 29 Exporting a Subfolder to a Floppy Disk Insert a floppy disk in drive A Click File on the menu bar and then click Import and Export When the Import and Export Wizard dialog box is displayed, click Export to a file in the Choose an action to perform list Click the Next button In the Export to a File dialog box, click Personal Folder File (.pst) and then click the Next button

30 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 30 Exporting a Subfolder to a Floppy Disk If necessary, click the plus sign (+) to the left of the Calendar icon in the Select a folder to export from list Click Maria’s Calendar and click the Next button Type a:\Maria’s Calendar.pst in the Save exported file as text box Click the Finish button Click the OK button

31 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 31 Exporting a Subfolder to a Floppy Disk

32 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 32 Deleting a Personal Subfolder If necessary, click the Calendar button in the Navigation Pane Right-click the Maria’s Calendar folder banner Point to Delete “Maria’s Calendar” on the shortcut menu Click Delete “Maria’s Calendar” Click the Yes button in the dialog box that asks if you are sure you want to delete the folder

33 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 33 Deleting a Personal Subfolder

34 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 34 Importing a Subfolder With the floppy disk containing the calendar in drive A, click File on the menu bar and then click Import and Export When the Import and Export dialog box is displayed, click Import from another program or file and then click the Next button When the Import a File dialog box is displayed, click Personal Folder File (.pst) and then click the Next button In the Import Personal Folders dialog box, type a:\Maria’s Calendar.pst in the File to Import text box or click the Browse button to access the floppy drive and select the Maria’s Calendar subfolder

35 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 35 Importing a Subfolder Click the Next button When the Import Personal Folders dialog box is displayed, click Calendar in the Select the folder to import from list Click the Finish button Repeat the previous steps twice, once to import Maria’s Contacts subfolder and once to import Maria’s Inbox subfolder from the Project 2 folder on the Data Disk

36 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 36 Importing a Subfolder

37 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 37 Assigning a Task to Another Person Click the Contacts button in the Navigation pane and then click Maria’s Contacts in the My Contacts list If necessary, click the Tasks button in the Navigation Pane Double-click the Pick up fund-raiser T-shirts task When the Pick up fund-raiser T-shirts – Task window is displayed, double-click the title bar to maximize the window Click the Assign Task button on the Standard toolbar

38 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 38 Assigning a Task to Another Person Type Patti Sobol in the To text box Click the Send button on the Standard toolbar If necessary, click the OK button when the Microsoft Office Outlook dialog box appears Double-click the Pick up fund-raiser T-shirts task Click the Close button on the Pick up fund-raiser T-shirts – Task window

39 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 39 Assigning a Task to Another Person

40 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 40 Inviting Attendees to a Meeting With the Calendar window active, click September 12 in the Date Navigator Double-click the Team Meeting appointment to open the Team Meeting – Recurring Appointment window When the Open Recurring Item dialog box is displayed, click Open this occurrence, and then click the OK button Double-click the title bar to maximize the window

41 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 41 Inviting Attendees to a Meeting Click the Scheduling tab Click the Add Others button, and then click Add From Address Book Click the Show Names from the box arrow, and then click Maria’s Contacts While holding the SHIFT key, click Susan Hadley to select the entire list

42 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 42 Inviting Attendees to a Meeting Click the Required button Click the OK button If the Microsoft Office Internet Free/Busy dialog box appears, click the Cancel button Click the Send button on the Standard toolbar

43 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 43 Inviting Attendees to a Meeting

44 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 44 Setting Work Week Options With the Calendar window active, click Tools on the menu bar, and then click Options Click the Calendar Options button In the Calendar work week area, click the Sat check box Click the Start time box arrow and then select 7:00 AM as the new start time

45 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 45 Setting Work Week Options Click the OK button in both open dialog boxes to close them Scroll up in the Appointment area so that 6 am shows as the first time slot Click September 12 in the Date Navigator Click the Work Week button on the Standard toolbar

46 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 46 Setting Work Week Options

47 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 47 Printing the Calendar Ready the printer With the Calendar window active and September 12, 2005 selected, click the Print button on the Standard toolbar Select the desired print style in the Print style list and click OK

48 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 48 Starting and Signing Into Windows Messenger Click the Minimize button on the Outlook window title bar to minimize the window to the Windows taskbar Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, point to All Programs on the Start menu, and then click Windows Messenger on the All Programs submenu Click the Click here to sign in link

49 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 49 Starting and Signing Into Windows Messenger When the Connect to Messaging Services dialog box is displayed, click the.NET Messaging Service box, and then click the OK button Type your e-mail address and password in the appropriate text boxes in the.NET Messenger Service dialog box Click the OK button

50 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 50 Starting and Signing Into Windows Messenger

51 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 51 Enabling Instant Messaging in Outlook Click the Tasks – Microsoft Outlook button on the Windows taskbar to display the Outlook window With the Contacts window active, click Tools on the menu bar and click Options Click the Others tab In the Other sheet, click the two boxes in the Person Names area to place a check mark in each box Click the OK button and minimize the Outlook window

52 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 52 Enabling Instant Messaging in Outlook

53 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 53 Adding a Contact to the Messenger Contact List Click Add a Contact in the Windows Messenger window When the Add a Contact dialog box is displayed, point to the Next button Click the Next button Type in the text box

54 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 54 Adding a Contact to the Messenger Contact List Click the Next button Click the Finish button in the dialog box with the You’re done! Message

55 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 55 Sending an Instant Message With the Inbox window active, click the Kendra Zimmerman e-mail message Click the Person Names Smart Tag in the Reading Pane Click Send Instant Message on the Smart Tag menu Type your message in the Send text box, and then click the Send button The receiver of the message types and sends a response

56 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 56 Sending an Instant Message

57 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 57 Attaching and Sending a File with Instant Messaging With the Data Disk in drive A, click Send a File or Photo in the I want to pane Click the Look in box arrow and then click 3½ Floppy (A:) Click Updated Practice Schedule in the Send a File to Kendra Zimmerman dialog box Click the Open button in the Send a File to Kendra Zimmerman dialog box The receiver of the file (Kendra Zimmerman) has accepted the file

58 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 58 Attaching and Sending a File with Instant Messaging

59 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 59 Summary Start Outlook and open the Calendar folder Describe the components of the Calendar – Microsoft Outlook window and understand the elements of the Outlook Navigation Pane Enter, move, and edit one-time and recurring appointments Create an event Display the calendar in Day, Work Week, Week, and Month views

60 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 60 Summary Create and customize a task list and move it to a new folder Import, export, and delete personal subfolders Delegate tasks Schedule a meeting Customize the calendar

61 Outlook Project 2: Schedule Management and Instant Messaging Using Outlook 61 Summary Print the calendar in Daily Style, Weekly Style, and Monthly Style Enable and start instant messaging address in the contact list Add an instant messaging address in the contact list Send an instant message and send a file with instant messaging

62 Office 2003 Advanced Concepts and Techniques M i c r o s o f t Outlook Project 2 Complete

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