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The End of the Vietnam War Why does America lose the Vietnam War?

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1 The End of the Vietnam War Why does America lose the Vietnam War?

2 The Pentagon Papers New York Times finds out about leaked Vietnam memo Showed LBJ planned to escalate war as he was promising no expansion of War No plans for ending the war as long as N. Vietnam exists 1) Who did Ellsberg leak a memo to? 2) What did memo say? 3) What was LBJ’s secret request? 4) What did Tet do? war#pentagon-papers-reveal-secret-war war#pentagon-papers-reveal-secret-war

3 Vietnamization of the War 1969: Ho Chi Minh dies – N. Vietnam continues the campaign Nixon promises to bring home troops 1) Avg age of soldier 2) Where was R&R? 3)Issue most wrote about? rocks-vietnam-soldier rocks-vietnam-soldier Nixon and Ntl Security Advisor Henry Kissinger devise a plan known as Vietnamization US will pull out combat troops and turn over ground fighting to ARVN However, US will increase bombing w/ Operation Linebacker

4 My Lai Massacre New York Times reports a massacre committed by U.S. soldiers in village of My Lai While searching for VC rebels, Lt. William Calley orders troops to open fire on 100s of Vietnamese villagers 25 officers charged, only Calley is sent to prison

5 US Invades Cambodia 1970: Nixon announces US troops have invaded Cambodia Nixon says he must clear that country of VC supply lines from the North (many supplies given to NV by Soviets & China) College students around the country burst into protests

6 Kent State & Jackson State Massacres National Guard opens fire into a crowd at Kent State University in Ohio, of protestors killing 4 people Happens again ten days later at Jackson State (Mississippi) Hawks support National Guard, Doves say its murder!

7 Fall of Saigon 1973: Nixon sends Henry Kissinger to negotiate an end to the war US, N. Vietnam & S. Vietnam sign a treaty, Paris Peace Accords 1974-75: North Vietnam invades South Vietnam Congress passes War Powers Act – limiting President’s ability to wage war without Congressional Approval President asks Congress to help and the Congress refuses. Saigon, the South Vietnamese capital falls in April of 1975. North & South Vietnam are unified. Saigon becomes Ho Chi Minh City ndf1fQe8

8 70s Counter-Culture Grows More Violent During the Vietnam War, the counter-culture movement began to move away from peace & love to violent resistance Weather Underground (aka Weathermen) 1969: Weather Collective was a faction of student group SDS, whose goal was a violent overthrow of the US govt 1970s: Group goes underground and begins bombing campaign against government agencies Movement dies after several arrests and 1973 treaty ending war Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) 1973-75 Militant group most famous for kidnapping Patty Hearst Demanded changes to help the poor in America Brainwash Hearst into robbing bank in San Francisco

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