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Objective 11.04 Identify the causes of the United States Involvement in Vietnam and examine how this involvement affected society.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 11.04 Identify the causes of the United States Involvement in Vietnam and examine how this involvement affected society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 11.04 Identify the causes of the United States Involvement in Vietnam and examine how this involvement affected society

2 Tet Offensive Vietcong offensive against the cities of South Vietnam in 1968/turning point in US public opinion against the war.

3 Robert McNamara Secretary of Defense under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson

4 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
North Vietnam attacks a US ship off the coast of Hanoi/ President Johnson asks Congress for the authority to respond/ Congressional approval leads to US active military involvement in Vietnam

5 War Powers Act of 1973 Passed after the Vietnam War/limited a Presidents authority to wage war without Congressional approval

6 Ho Chi Minh Leader of Communist North Vietnam

7 My Lai Incident Lieutenant William Calley leads a raid against the village at My Lai killing aprox. 200 civilians

8 Agent Orange Defoliant/ used to eliminate the jungle to take away the hiding places of the Vietcong/ caused birth defects in children and cancer

9 Napalm Gas bomb used to destroy the jungle hiding places of the Vietcong

10 Vietcong South Vietnamese Communist sympathizers

11 Pentagon Papers Papers released by Daniel Ellsberg describing lies told by President Johnson during the Vietnam conflict/President Nixon tried to block their release on reasons of National Security/ NY Times v. Nixon

12 26th Amendment 18 year olds the right to vote

13 General William Westmoreland
Commander of UN forces in Vietnam

14 Kent State University where anti-war demonstration turns violent when National Guard opens fire on the crowd

15 Cambodia/Laos Countries that border Vietnam that were bombed by President Nixon for aiding and supplying the Vietcong

16 Operation Rolling Thunder
8 week strategy of bombing Hanoi and other North Vietnamese targets to destroy North Vietnam’s economy and ability to supply the Vietcong

17 Paris Peace Accords Meetings between Henry Kissinger and Lo Duc Tho between 1969 and 1975 leading to the end of US participation in Vietnam

18 Fall of Saigon 1975 April 30, 1975 North Vietnamese overrun the South Vietnamese capital

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