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New Testament BCM 103 Dr. Dave Mathewson Gordon College/Denver Seminary.

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Presentation on theme: "New Testament BCM 103 Dr. Dave Mathewson Gordon College/Denver Seminary."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Testament BCM 103 Dr. Dave Mathewson Gordon College/Denver Seminary

2 The Christmas Story Retold The wisemen? The wisemen? An Inn and Innkeeper? An Inn and Innkeeper? When did Mary have the Baby? When did Mary have the Baby? No room? No room? Where were the animals kept? Where were the animals kept? What did the manger look like? What did the manger look like?

3 Reading Critically What does it mean to read the Bible critically?—skeptical, doubting What does it mean to read the Bible critically?—skeptical, doubting What role do critical methods play? What role do critical methods play? How do we define criticism? How do we define criticism? Reading the Bible as a textbook Reading the Bible as a textbook

4 The Canon of the NT When and how did these 27 documents get shaped into a NT collection? When and how did these 27 documents get shaped into a NT collection? NT arranged logically not chronologically NT arranged logically not chronologically OT as the church’s Bible initially OT as the church’s Bible initially Canon – a reed Canon – a reed A measurement A measurement A collection of authoritative writings A collection of authoritative writings

5 The Canon of the NT So also our beloved brother Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, speaking as he does in all his letters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant…twist…as they do the other Scriptures (2 Peter 3.15-16). So also our beloved brother Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, speaking as he does in all his letters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant…twist…as they do the other Scriptures (2 Peter 3.15-16). Marcion: OT contra NT Marcion: OT contra NT

6 Athanasius’ Letter Again, we must not hesitate to name the books of the New Testament. They are as follows: Again, we must not hesitate to name the books of the New Testament. They are as follows: Four Gospels-according to Matthew, according to Mark, according to Luke, according to John. Then after these the Acts of the Apostle and the seven so-called catholic epistles of the apostles, as follows: one of James, two of Peter, three of John and, after these, one of Jude. Next to these are fourteen epistles of the apostle Paul, written in order as follows: First to the Romans, then two to the Corinthians, and after these to the Galatians and next that to the Ephesians, then to the Philippians, then to the Colossians and two to the Thessalonians and that to the Hebrews. Next are two to Timothy, and last the one to Philemon Moreover, John’s Apocalypse.

7 Canonicity So who decides? So who decides? Conformity Conformity Universal acceptance Universal acceptance Apostolic authority Apostolic authority

8 On Genre Literary Genre and reading a document Literary Genre and reading a document


10 Literary Genres of the NT Narrative (Gospels and Acts) Narrative (Gospels and Acts)

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