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v Falls from same level ◦ Slips ◦ Trips ◦ High frequency rate ◦ Low injury severity rate 1a.

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Presentation on theme: "v Falls from same level ◦ Slips ◦ Trips ◦ High frequency rate ◦ Low injury severity rate 1a."— Presentation transcript:


2 v Falls from same level ◦ Slips ◦ Trips ◦ High frequency rate ◦ Low injury severity rate 1a

3 v Falls from an elevation ◦ Relatively low frequency rate ◦ High injury severity rate v Specific potential fall hazards 1b

4 v Guardrail systems and toeboards v Handrail and stair rail systems v Designated areas v Hole covers v Safety net systems v Ladder cages v Ramps and bridging devices v Slip-resistant floors v Effective housekeeping 2a

5 v A person loses balance, and unintentionally moves from an upright to a prone/semi prone position v Free-fall velocity at impact when falling 12 feet is nearly 20 M.P.H. v Person hits the ground in less than one second from this distance…we fall fast 3b

6 Falls are dangerous because of three primary elements: v The free-fall distance the worker falls v The shock absorption at impact v The body weight of the worker 4a

7 v The uncontrolled length of travel before a worker hits the floor, ground, or before fall arrest equipment activates v Measured from the foot level before the fall, to the foot level after the fall v Should be controlled as much as possible. Keep it at a minimum 5a

8 v Varies according to the types of fall protection equipment used v Shock-absorbing lanyards (Rope threaded through a pair of deadeyes) reduce the probability of injury 6a

9 v Falls have more severe impact on heavy workers v “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” v Heavy workers may have larger waistlines, preventing fall arrest equipment from fitting properly 7a

10 v Used when engineering controls are not feasible or sufficient to eliminate the risk of a fall v Fall arrest systems: ◦ prevent a worker from falling more than 6 ft ◦ prevent a worker from contacting any lower level during arrest of a fall ◦ Should not consist of body belts and non-locking type snap hooks 8b

11 v Fall arrest systems should: ◦ limit the maximum arresting force on an employee to 1800 pounds when a worker uses a body harness ◦ bring a worker to a complete stop ◦ limit the deceleration distance a worker travels to 3 1/2 feet ◦ have sufficient strength to withstand twice the potential energy impact of a worker falling a distance of 6 feet - or- ◦ have sufficient strength to withstand the free-fall distance permitted by the system, whichever is less 8c

12 v Personal fall arrest systems that as a minimum consist of body wear, connecting device and anchorage connector v Positioning device system v Personal fall protection system for climbing activities 9a

13  Controlled access zones are areas where certain work may be done without the use of guardrails, personal fall arrest systems, or safety nets.  However, unlike a warning line, which is barrier that cannot be crossed, a controlled access zone establishes a boundary that can be crossed, but only by a specifically designated employee. 10a

14  Key systems within this group include:  Guardrail Systems  Hole Covers (For holes over 1” in size)  Safety Nets  Personal Fall Arrest Systems  Positioning Systems  Personal Fall Restraint Systems for Climbing Activities 10a

15 v Equipment inspection v Application limits v Methods of use v Donning, doffing, adjusting equipment 10a

16 v Anchoring and tie-off techniques v Emergency rescue plans and implementation v Maintenance procedures v Storage techniques 10b

17 v Comprehensive instructions for fall arrest system use and application, provided by the supplier, should consist of: 11a

18 v The force measured during the sample force test v Maximum elongation measured for lanyards during the force test v Deceleration distance for deceleration devices measured during the force test v Caution statements on critical-use limitations v Application Limits v Proper hook ups v Anchoring tie-off techniques v Proper climbing techniques v Basically everything you should know. Read the supplier information. 11b

19 v Employees will not experience repercussions from reporting hazards v Employees should report unsafe equipment, conditions, procedures v Equipment repair must receive top priority v Under no circumstances will defective equipment be used 12a

20 v Equipment repair must receive top priority v Under no circumstances will defective equipment be used 12b

21 v When fall conditions exist: ◦ Take short steps ◦ Keep toes pointed out ◦ Walk on the whole foot when crossing rough or slippery surfaces ◦ Avoid making sharp turns ◦ If you fall, protect your head and neck 12c

22 v Employees can be exposed to disciplinary actions for failure to use fall protection equipment 12d

23  Our company’s safe work practices regarding fall protection include the use of appropriate harness.  If a fall does start to happen, the best way to deal with it is to relax, go limp, and not resist the fall.  Remember, this is for your safety, so if you fall, don’t panic. Keep calm, and let the harness do the rest. Our Facility

24 v Effective housekeeping prevents falls v Keep high work areas free from: ◦ Tools ◦ Materials ◦ Debris ◦ Liquids 13a

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