 Click the link to see the slideshow this first grade class sent us:  https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/ jesse-james/29480904/?ref=link&s=Khzv6Y.

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2  Click the link to see the slideshow this first grade class sent us:  https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/ jesse-james/29480904/?ref=link&s=Khzv6Y https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/ jesse-james/29480904/?ref=link&s=Khzv6Y

3  Hello class! Please do not EVER send me somewhere so cold again! When you sent me to see Mrs. Townsend in Niagara Falls, New York, I had a great time. I had to wait a little bit on her desk, but finally a group of 19 Chinese exchange students arrived from Tianjin, China and we all went to the falls...I will let Mrs. Townsend tell you the rest. Jesse Hello Mrs. Bell's class! I wanted to thank you for sending Jesse to me. I took him to Niagara Falls, New York and as you can see from the pictures - it was very cold and frozen! In the first picture, Jesse is in front of the Canadian Falls - you can see a few buildings in the back. All of the closer access points are closed for safety, as the mist coming off the falls usually creates 5-8 feet of snow and ice. It is so pretty to see! I love Niagara Falls more in the winter because of the frozen trees and snow covered rocks, but it is just as beautiful in the summer as well. The second picture is of Jesse in front of the Niagara River at the base of the cataract (waterfalls/rapids.) Did you know that Niagara Falls, NY is called the "Cataract City"? Anyway, you can see that the river is frozen at the bottom of the falls! In the 1800's and early 1900's, people from the US and Canada used to cross what they called the "ice bridge" at the base of the falls, and even set up shops on the ice bridge promoting trade and tourism. This became illegal after there were safety scares due to cracks in the ice bridge. Behind the frozen river you can see parts of the now dormant Canadian Power Authority. Both the US and Canada harness power from the falls and the river. The American Power Authority is further down the river, and the Canadian Power Authority has moved to above the falls. It is always important to reflect on your local history, and having Jesse reminded me of that. I have been to many countries and cities around the world, all of which have unique histories. I hope that you all have the desire, and some day the opportunity to travel. There is no education quite as valuable as seeing it with your own eyes, and experiencing it first hand when you travel. All the best to your class and to you, Mrs. Bell. Sincerely, Amy Townsend  Mrs. Amy Townsend Lewiston-Porter Senior High School International Programs Director & Social Studies Teacher










13  Good Morning,  My name is Mrs. Dawkins and I teach 4 th grade at Freeport Elementary School. Our town is very small (one stop light) but, it’s only 15 minutes to some of the most beautiful beaches. My students and I love to swim in the Gulf of Mexico and Paddle Board in the Choctawhatchee Bay. Many of the students in my room hunt and fish. Deep sea fishing is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. I have included a picture of my class as well as a few pictures of Flat Jesse on the beaches of South Walton. I will continue to take pictures and send updates throughout the year.   Thank You for sharing him with us!























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