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Chapter 2 Europeans Establish Colonies

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1 Chapter 2 Europeans Establish Colonies
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2 Section 1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas
OBJ: Explain Spanish explorer achievements Describe the Society of New Spain Evaluate the causes and effects of Spanish imperial policies

3 A. Religious Division Martin Luther and Protestant Reformation rocked Europe in 1400’s 1500’s Catholics and Protestants don’t get along Brought many conflicts between Spain, Portugal, France, England, and other countries France and GB feared how powerful Spain was becoming, began their own exploration.

4 B. Spain’s colonies Encomiendas??
Missionaries- went forward to convert the natives Presidios- Spanish forts set up near missionaries for protection

5 C. Organization New Spain Peru Ruled by viceroys
Central and North American possessions Peru South America possessions Ruled by viceroys Society organized in a caste system: Pure Spanish, Mestizos, Africans and Indians

6 D. Spanish Explore North
Hernan De Soto- explored Florida and much of the South West in died on the trip Ponce de Leon- Fountain of youth Coronado- searched for seven cities of gold Made it all the way to Kansas and the mid west Spain settled Florida and Texas to protect its richer lands on the interior St. Augustine- oldest city in North America Pedro Menendez de Aviles??

7 E. New Mexico Settled by Spanish with Capital at Santa Fe
Few Spanish would actually settle there Out numbered by 40,000 Pueblo 1680- Pueblo revolted and drove the Spanish out of New Mexico led by POPE’ Pope’ would die and the Spanish would come back

8 Section 2 The French Empire
OBJ: explain how the fur trade affected the French and Indians in NA Explain how and why Quebec was founded Describe the French expansion into Louisiana Both Verrazano and Jacques Cartier explored parts of North America looking for a Northwest Passage The claimed land for France at mouth of St. Lawrence River

9 The Expanding French Empire Section 1
New France began in 1608 when Samuel Champlain founded Quebec which became the capital By 1658, only 2,000 settlers and mostly men Montreal also a prospering French Settlement In 1660’s French gov’t became concerned with growing Dutch and English colonies Started encouraging settlement Population grows to 15,000 by 1700

10 Trading Empire Most French wanted to make money in fur trade
Were not interested in permanent settlements or conquering the land Usually only stayed temporarily Needed the Natives so developed great relationships with native populations

11 Voyageurs and couriers de bois- fur traders
Treated Natives with respect Often lived in Indian villages Too Native Wives Missionaries also treated natives well Did not force them to convert Would align themselves with Huron against the Iroquois who attacked their settlements Trade became very lucrative and France benefited from colonial trade

12 Reaching Ohio and Beyond
La Salle would travel Ohio River claiming for France Thought it was the Northwest Passage Traveled it to almost the Mississippi

13 La Salle reaches Gulf La Salle would go back in 1679
Set out with 23 Frenchmen and 31 Natives Reached the gulf in 1682 Claimed the country of Louisiana in the name of France Included all of Mississippi and its tributaries

14 Mississippi Delta French would work to build forts up and down the Mississippi Several benefits to controlling the River Would establish New Orleans By 1745, about 3,200 Europeans and 2,000 African slaves lived in a thin line of settlement down the Mississippi However, Colony stayed small. Why?

15 Section 3 England’s Southern Colonies
OBJ: Describe how Jamestown was settled Explain the relationship between the colonist and the Natives Discuss the settlement of Maryland and the Carolina’s and Georgia

16 A. England’s Colonies England- overpopulation and a need of natural resources A Joint Stock Company received a charter from the king to colonize North America Roanoke was established in the 1580’s, but disappeared when English ships returned

17 B. Jamestown 1607: The Virginian Company would establish Jamestown on the Chesapeake bay 24,000 tribes in the area united by chief Powhatan Wanted to trade with the colonist, but also keep them contained John Smith would emerge as leader of Jamestown

18 C. Conflict 1609- War would break out Colonist were starving
John Smith saved colony by demanding “work or don’t eat” 1613, colonist captured Pocahontas. She married John Rolfe and there was peace Powhatan died in 1618 The colony would finally become successful after Tobacco was grown and sold in England People would start moving to Virginia, especially to get free land

19 D. Start of Democracy House of Burgesses, set up in Virginia to rule.
First elected government body in NA Later two types of colonies Royal Proprietary

20 E. Effects of Expansion 1622, Opechancanough led a surprise attack on the colonists However, it was too late, they were to entrenched They killed 1/3 of the colonists, but colonists would decimate the natives in return 1644, one more war, native lose again 41,000 English by going nowhere

21 F. Bacon’s rebellion Nathanial Bacon led revolt against Virginia leadership Too nice to natives Favored the wealthy Burned down Jamestown, but Bacon died and rebellion stalled Showed gov’t couldn’t ignore the people

22 G. Other Colonies Maryland-1632 established by Lord Baltimore as a refuge for Catholics Carolinas Established at capital of Charles Town. 1730’s Carolinas were split Georgia- Buffer between English and Spanish James Oglethorpe was their leader. Haven for English debtors. Also strict??

23 Section 4 New England Colonies
OBJ: discuss why Pilgrims left England Summarize gov’t of Massachusetts Bay Colony Explain why Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire were founded

24 A. Puritans Puritans wanted to “purify” church of England
John Calvin was their leader Were persecuted in England and fled to the New World Called Pilgrims and crossed the Ocean in the Mayflower Agreed to follow laws in the Mayflower Compact Land at Plymouth Rock

25 B. Massachusetts Bay Colony
1630, John Winthrop let even more Puritans to America Tried to establish “city on a hill” Boston established Elected their own governor Very strict

26 C. Dissenters Roger Williams- shouldn’t take land from Natives- fled to Rhode Island Anne Hutchinson- women should have rights- also fled to Rhode Island Rhode Island much more tolerant

27 D. Salem Witch Trials 1692’s, religious fervor led authorities to try, convict and execute 19 suspected witches Later, realized just how crazy they were

28 E. Conflict Puritans didn’t like Natives
Pequot war- Conflict led to complete war. Colonist killed 700 mostly women and children in village. Native allies shocked by carnage Pequot nearly wiped out Forced many natives into Praying towns

29 King Philip War- 1675, Metacom known as King Philip to the colonists led rebellion
Destroyed 12 towns and ravaged country side Metacom would die, and the colonist would wipe out and take the Natives remaining land By 1700, 90,000 colonist outnumbered the only 9,000 remaining Natives

30 Section 5 Middle Colonies
OBJ: Explain how Dutch lost New York to English Describe William Penn’s relationship with Natives in Pennsylvania Compare and contrast the Pennsylvania Colony to other colonies

31 A. Dutch New Netherland Dutch settled on Hudson River
Formed city of New Amsterdam Were tolerant of many groups 1660 only 5,000 residents Life was good in Netherland’s- no reason to lead

32 B. New Sweden On Delaware River: Fort Christian
Farming and trading furs 500 colonists: Very small Dutch took over in 1655

33 C. English Conquest Dutch and English became rivals in World Trade
1664: English forced Dutch to surrender Duke of York put in Charge Renamed New York South of Hudson he established New Jersey

34 D. Pennsylvania Established by William Penn Was a Quaker-
Treated Natives fairly Welcomed all faiths Philadelphia was the capital

35 E. Diversity Middle colonies were the most diverse
Had aspects of Southern and Northern Immigrants from all over Europe settled in area.

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