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Reading Tutor 120: Theory Review. Reading Theory Key Concepts Whole language theory Phonics theory Implications/Problems with each theory Significance.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Tutor 120: Theory Review. Reading Theory Key Concepts Whole language theory Phonics theory Implications/Problems with each theory Significance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Tutor 120: Theory Review

2 Reading Theory Key Concepts Whole language theory Phonics theory Implications/Problems with each theory Significance of establishing or drawing from prior knowledge Reading Process that good readers use 4 Concepts of Reading Comprehension Miscue Analysis Word Recognition Strategies

3 Terminology Semantics Syntax Surface structure Deep structure Learning Disability Assimilation Accommodation Prior Knowledge Experiential base Phoneme Independent, instructional, frustrational level Miscue Decoding Dysgraphia

4 Tutoring Should-knows Building rapport Techniques for rapid reading growth 5 learning styles & strategies to tutor each Setting expectations Being a good role model Strategies for improving writing

5 Writing Theory Manuscript, cursive, keyboarding—what they are, benefits of each Writing Process & benefits of the process for struggling students Five stages of spelling Shared writing-article; when to use it Strategies for improving writing

6 Stages of Spelling 1 Scribble Draw Imitate Learn Letters mmmmmmm Prephonetic 1-7 2 Invented Spelling Limited sound awareness TRKE= turkey Early Phonetic 5+ 3 Readable Makes sense Not quite right Offis=office Word Patterns 9+ 4 Errors are usually where syllables meet; “schwa” position Useage=usage Cottin=cotton Junctures & Multi-syllablic 8-18 5 Writer knows invented spelling is wrong; Uses dictionaries, spell-checking, edits, revises Mature (10>)

7 Concepts of Reading Comprehension What does this mean? Comprehension=understanding So, what you, the reader, understand depends on: 1.What you “bring”—experience, knowledge, etc. “Bring it on!” 2.How you process “language”—finishing thoughts, obtaining meaning “Finish it!” 3.How you “thinK”– predicting, self- questioning, problem-solving “Think about it!” 4.How you “negotiate” the old & new: what you knew + what you now know “So, I’m not always right; I can learn!”

8 Reading Process Good Readers Use What do good readers do? Recognize words quickly—they’re fluent Picture what they read and draw on existing knowledge– they “construct” meaning Use strategies based on the text and their purpose, sometimes subconsciously—they’re strategic They are motivated They know that they aren’t perfect yet and never will be—reading is a lifelong pursuit

9 Word-Recognition Strategies What do you do when you don’t recognize a word? 1.Sound it out! (Phonics) 2.Study it so it becomes instantly recognized (sight word) 3.Read the whole sentence and ask yourself, what word would make sense? (Context clues) 4.Look for clues—words within the word, prefixes, endings, etc. (structural analysis)

10 CASE STUDY II J___, a seventeen year old, does not like to read and will not try any words he does not know. He waits, hoping for someone else to fill in the blank for him. His reading is slow and halting with little comprehension or enjoyment. His writing is sloppy with disjointed sentences. Stories make little sense. 5)

11 J_____ speaks and listens well and is very knowledgeable in many areas. Many days he arrives having had no breakfast and leaves his books behind in his locker.

12 Identify what the student’s learning style most likely is based on the characteristics described.(1) Explain what things about the individual will need to be kept in mind when tutoring him.(2) Describe the process you would use to develop a relationship of trust. (7) Describe ten tutoring techniques, considering both reading and writing, which might work for the student based upon the profile. (10) 10. What other information would you require about this student and how would you obtain it? (

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