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Visualizing Vocabulary

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1 Visualizing Vocabulary
Egypt Visualizing Vocabulary

2 Cataracts Definition: Strong rapids. Example: The Nile River

3 Delta Definition: A triangle-shaped area of land made of soil deposited by a river. Example: The Nile River Delta

4 Pharaoh Definition: The titled used by the rulers of Egypt. Means “Great House” Example: Menes Khufu

5 Dynasty Definition: A series of rulers from the same family. Example: Menes Dynasty Han Dynasty

6 Old Kingdom Definition: A period of Egyptian history that lasted from about 2700 B.C. to 2200 B.C. Example: Egypt’s 3rd Dynasty Era Khufu was Pharaoh

7 Nobles Definition: People from rich and powerful families. Example: Upper class Closest to the Pharaoh

8 Afterlife Definition: Life after death. Example: “Happy Place” Ka

9 Mummies Definition: Specially treated bodies wrapped in cloth. Example: Egyptian form of embalming

10 Elite Definition: People of wealth and power. Example: Royalty Pharaohs Priests Upper Class

11 Pyramids Definition: Huge stone tombs with four triangle-shaped walls that met in a point on top. Example: The Great Pyramid of Khufu Ancient Egyptian Monuments

12 Engineering Definition: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Example: Building of the Pyramids

13 Middle Kingdom Definition: A period of order and stability in Egypt that lasted until about 1750 B.C. Example: Mentuhotep’s Rule

14 New Kingdom Definition: The period during which Egypt reached the height of its power. Lasted from 1550 B.C. to 1050 B.C. Example: Ahmose’s Rise to Power Egypt’s 18th Dynasty

15 Trade Routes Definition: Paths followed by traders. Example: Along the Egyptian Empire Silk Road

16 Hieroglyphics Definition: The Egyptian Writing System Example: Egyptian Writing leg+star+bird+man holding a stick = “to teach”

17 Papyrus Definition: A long-lasting, paper-like material made from reeds. It was made by pressing reeds together and pounding them into sheets. Example: Egyptian Paper

18 Rosetta Stone Definition: A stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics. Example: Hieroglyphics Key

19 Sphinxes Definition: Imaginary creatures with the bodies of lions and the heads of other animals and humans. Example: Egyptian Statues/Monuments

20 Obelisk Definition: A tall, four-sided pillar that its pointed at the top. Example: Egyptian Monument Jefferson Davis Monument

21 Merchants Definition: Another word for traders. Example: Traders Barterers

22 Exports Definition: Items sent out to other regions. Example: Gold Pottery Iron tools Any surplus items

23 Imports Definition: Goods brought in from other regions. Example: Fine jewelry Any scarce items

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