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NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Discussion: NA-MIC toolkit Guido Gerig and AHM participants.

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Presentation on theme: "NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Discussion: NA-MIC toolkit Guido Gerig and AHM participants."— Presentation transcript:

1 NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Discussion: NA-MIC toolkit Guido Gerig and AHM participants

2 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Discussion I Are we on track given the 2.5yrs of progress? Do we meet expectations of the RFA: –NIH NCBCs: Networked national effort to build the computational infrastructure for biomedical computing in the nation Outreach beyond NA-MIC partners even in this very early phase Role of NA-MIC toolkit in relation to other NIH- sponsored efforts: BIRN etc. Visibility of NA-MIC toolkit: Success / PR

3 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Discussion II Core 1 interaction with Core 2: –Cutting-edge methods and workflows to be integrated into toolkit –Validation/testing on clinical data –Training of students/developers Core 3 use of NA-MIC toolkit: –Use of prototypes while constantly in development? –At what stage are clinical researcher ready to adopt new technology? –Feedback if encountering problems Core 5 training and education

4 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Points raised Core 3 researchers should participate in “programming weeks”, maybe redesigned as “NA-MIC activity weeks” where researchers can learn to apply tools to data (M. Shenton) Tools should be paralleled by clinically significant sets of test data to a) reproduce and b) test improved versions of the tool (S. Bouix) Core 3 1 st- generation DBPs get tools at the end of their termed participation -> Find efficient ways to apply NA-MIC tools during the last few months or in non NA-MIC funded future period, supported by alternative funding

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