1 Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 1 ERD WG 12/6/09 Baltimore, Maryland FxF Meeting December 11th. 2011 U-In Chung, Samsung ITRS ERD/ERM in Seoul.

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1 1 Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 1 ERD WG 12/6/09 Baltimore, Maryland FxF Meeting December 11th. 2011 U-In Chung, Samsung ITRS ERD/ERM in Seoul

2 2 Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 2 ERD WG 12/6/09 Baltimore, Maryland FxF Meeting KSIA Korea TWGs ERD(ERM) WG ERD ; U-In Chung (Samsung) ERMemory Leader : Hyun Sang Hwang (GIST, hwanghs@kjist.ac.kr) S.W.Chung(Hynix), H.S.Hwang (GIST), T.W.Kim (Sejong univ.), H.C.Sohn (Yonsei univ.), J.I.Hong (Yonsei univ.), C.S.Hwang(Seoul National univ.) ERDevice Leader : Jong-Ho Lee (Kyungpook univ.) S.G.Kim(Dongbu high tech.), H.C.Shin(Seoul national univ.), Y.G.Choi(KAIST) ERArchi. Leader : Su-Hwan Kim (Seoul national univ.) K.W.Kwon (SungKyunKwan univ.) ERM ; Dae-Hong Ko (Yonsei Univ.) ERMaterial Leader; Dae-Hong Ko (Yonsei univ.) J.M Myoung(Yonsei univ.), S.H.Hong(Seoul national univ.), J.H.Lee(Hanyang univ.), B.J.Cho(KAIST) IRC : Joo-Tae Moon (samsung) Jae-Sung Roh (Hynix) Yoon-Jong Lee (Dongbu) ERD/ERM Organization & Member(2009)

3 3 Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 3 ERD WG 12/6/09 Baltimore, Maryland FxF Meeting KSIA Korea TWGs ERD(ERM) WG ERD ; Gwan Hyup Koh (Samsung) ERMemory Leader : Hyun Sang Hwang (GIST)  TBD ERDevice Leader : Jong-Ho Lee (Seoul univ.)  TBD ERArchi. Leader : Su-Hwan Kim (Seoul national univ.)  TBD ERM ; Dae-Hong Ko (Yonsei Univ.) ERMaterial Leader; Dae-Hong Ko (Yonsei univ.)  TBD IRC : Si Young Choi (samsung) Jae-Sung Roh (Hynix) Yoon-Jong Lee (Dongbu) ERD/ERM Organization & Member(2012~)

4 4 Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 4 ERD WG 12/6/09 Baltimore, Maryland FxF Meeting ERD/ERM ITWG Working Group Regional Interests (2009) Regional interest ; a. Narrowing ~15nm Emerging Research memory candidates  Done b. Emerging Research Device : - Hetero integration of III-V on Si in ERD  Done - Focus on Energy effective devices (ex. BTB devices)  Done c. Emerging Research Architectures : - Focus on 3D Architectures : CMOL etc.  Not yet d. Emerging Research Materials : - Focus on Materials for memory  Done - Many forums on memory materials for MLC and 3 D  Not yet

5 5 Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 5 ERD WG 12/6/09 Baltimore, Maryland FxF Meeting Review 2009 ERD Chapter  MemoryU-In Chung, Samsung I.Need to create table of current source for memory For example in the case of 1D1R, no description on how to make D)  done I.No description on electrical optical hybrid technology for MtM (optical memory?)  Not yet ( It will propose again in 2011 Songdo meeting ) III.Need to define (or make a table) a role ( necessary condition) of memory element as an interconnection.  Half Done ( It will propose again in 2011 Songdo meeting) Examples ; - For configurable logic using such as CMOL - For Inference Architecture such as Bayesian inference network Review 2009 ERD Chapter-Memory (I)

6 6 Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 6 ERD WG 12/6/09 Baltimore, Maryland FxF Meeting Review 2009 ERD Chapter  MemoryU-In Chung, Samsung IV. Storage Class memory such as Magnetic Packet Memory ( Racetrack )  Storage class memory was defined (Done) Review 2009 ERD Chapter-Memory (II) -High speed: Domain wall velocity > 100m/s, operational speed below a few ns -High scalability : Domain wall size in perpendicular magnetization material (<10nm and 2F2)) -High operational current: in-plane permalloy > 10 8 A/cm2, out-of plane multilayer > 10 7 A/cm2 reduced to level of 10 6 A/cm2 by Rashiba or asymmetric structure.

7 7 Work in Progress --- Not for Publication 7 ERD WG 12/6/09 Baltimore, Maryland FxF Meeting 2011 New Regional interest ; a. Emerging Research Device : - Focus on Neuromorphic computing (Ex. Workshop) b. More than Moore : - Explore optical interconnection - Explore NEMS d. Emerging Research Materials : - Many forums on memory materials for MLC and 3 D ERD/ERM ITWG Working Group Regional Interests (2009)

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