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“Why Email?” The Case for Email Marketing. Email Works Source: Direct Marketing Association.

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Presentation on theme: "“Why Email?” The Case for Email Marketing. Email Works Source: Direct Marketing Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Why Email?” The Case for Email Marketing


3 Email Works Source: Direct Marketing Association

4 Estimated ROI from email marketing programs What is the estimated ROI from email marketing programs for your organization? Source: ©2013 MarketingSherpa Email Marketing Benchmark Survey Methodology: Fielded December 2012, N≥42

5 Email Remains the Most Popular Online Activity Of Adults Online: 65 % use Social Networking sites 92 % send or read email Email is Universal Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project

6 Email versus IS Social New Subscribers “ Email and Social Media work together to share your content to your audience. Your newsletter subscribers can share your best email content to social networks where more of your fans can discover it. Your social followers can upgrade to an email subscription for even more personal, relevant content. ”

7 “Even as retailers debate the efficacy of social-media marketing on Facebook and Twitter, they have no doubts about the power of a decades-old technology to drive sales. The killer app is called e-mail.” Bloomberg Dec. 2012 The Killer App

8 Why is Email So Effective? “Reports and Metrics are what make email marketing a conversation between your organization and your audience.” “It’s how you send the right message to the right person at the right time.”

9 Segmentation Works Right Person, Right Message, Right Time Email allows marketers to reach subscribers with exactly the right message when the subscriber is most likely to respond. The worlds top brands routinely use their marketing channels to try to win a customer’s email address. They know that the unparalleled data and metrics provided by email allow for powerful segmentation.

10 MV Split Testing Vs. Content Subject Lines Sending Time Split testing allows marketers to scientifically test versions of a message. Think of it as a focus group at your fingertips. Optimize Campaigns in Real Time Personalization

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