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Measuring the ROI of Social Media Leigh George, PhD | Vice President 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring the ROI of Social Media Leigh George, PhD | Vice President 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring the ROI of Social Media Leigh George, PhD | Vice President 2014

2 Three Types of ROI You can Demonstrate Using Different Types of Data Boost Efficiency (Drive Significant Viral/Organic Reach using Content) General Actions (Increase Sales, Memberships, Donations, etc.) Direct (actions and other business goals can be directly attributable to social media) Indirect (understand impact of social media through exposure, surveys and other indirect measurement efforts) Increase Brand Attitudes & Awareness – including Intent to Act

3 Action What bottom line actions did the exposed audience take, e.g. action? C Impact: Optimization Framework How is Content/Channel/Conversation Driving Business Impact? Attitudes What’s the exposed audience’s awareness, preference and/or perception of the brand? 1 2 Audience Customer/M ember Content Channel Reach What’s the size of the audience to the message?

4 C Impact: Caveat! Focus on What Matters KPIs vs. Optimization Metrics KPIs Are we winning or losing? Provide a top-line view of the success of its social media efforts KPIs should align to the brand’s business objectives Diagnostic Metrics Which levers do we need to pull? Identify what changes need to be made to engagement strategy in order to improve KPI performance

5 C Impact: How We Measure Applying KPIs and Diagnostic Metrics in a Framework KPIs Video Views Number of Wall Posts Number of New Fans/Likes ReachActionAttitudes Impressions, Share of Relevant Voice Attributable Leads/Sales/Behaviors Sentiment, Share of Positive Voice Survey-based Brand Positioning Survey-based Sales/Behaviors Survey-based Brand Preference Likes Per Post Media Uploads (videos, photos) Link Click-throughs Link Shares Diagnostic Metrics

6 Leigh George, PhD Vice President Social@Ogilvy Email: Twitter: @leighgeorge LinkedIn: Connect with me


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