Computer Software in Today’s Classrooms Chapter 4.

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1 Computer Software in Today’s Classrooms Chapter 4

2 Five Types of Software Categories Productivity Research Communication Problem-Solving Educational Software

3 Productivity Software Used to produce or create a variety of artifacts or products. ◦Word Processing ◦Spreadsheets ◦Presentation Software ◦Database ◦Graphic Organizers- Inspiration or Kidspiration ◦Graphics Software- Clip art, animations, etc. ◦Digital Audio Editing- Audacity (program used to edit and record audio) ◦Digital Video Editing- Windows Movie Maker (video editing software) ◦Multimedia Authoring Software- Hyperstudio (combines video, audio, animation and graphics)

4 Research Software Mainly referring to online research ◦Browsers- Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator etc. (initial Internet Access begins here) ◦Search Engines- Google, Ask, Yahoo, etc. (used within a browser) ◦Plug Ins- Acrobat Reader (may be needed to access some files located during your Internet search)

5 Communication Software Asynchronous- Not real time (includes email, discussion boards, blogs, wikis and podcasts) Synchronous- Real time (includes chats and instant messaging)

6 Problem-Solving Software Usually real-world like problem solving programs ◦Games- Math Blasters, etc. ◦Simulations- digital simulations that enable students to investigate objects, systems, ideas, and concepts that are often difficult or impossible to explore in real life (virtual dissections).

7 Educational Software Designed to educate or teach users ◦Drill and practice- designed to reinforce basic skills. ◦Tutorials- presents learners with new content and provides practice and feedback on the content. ◦Integrated Learning Systems- provides a comprehensive learning environment that includes instructional content, practice and feedback, and assessments for students and lesson plans for teachers. ◦Process Tools- provide questions and prompting to guide students through specific steps required to complete a process. ◦Testing Software- Accelerated Reader (helps prepare students for standardized tests.

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