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The concept of wellbeing and its relevance for policy and practice David Somervell, Head of SRS Futures.

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Presentation on theme: "The concept of wellbeing and its relevance for policy and practice David Somervell, Head of SRS Futures."— Presentation transcript:

1 The concept of wellbeing and its relevance for policy and practice David Somervell, Head of SRS Futures

2 The University Edinburgh addressing staff & student wellbeing

3 GLADS: Good Lives and Decent Societies Seminar 2 How does looking at problems through a wellbeing lens help identify appropriate goals and priorities? 14 May 2014, National Museums of Scotland Understanding the usefulness of taking a wellbeing approach and incorporating it in decision-making and action

4 The University A huge employer - over 11,000 staff in a variety of academic and support roles Currently reviewing SRS Strategy How does it address staff and student wellbeing in its daily operations?

5 provide the highest quality learning and teaching environment for the greater wellbeing of our students make a significant, sustainable and socially responsible contribution to Scotland, the UK and the world, promoting health, economic growth and cultural wellbeing. University of Edinburgh Strategic Plan 2012-16: Mission

6 “The University of Edinburgh is in a strong and positive position and is making a significant contribution to the economic, social and cultural wellbeing of Scotland.” Professor Sir Timothy O’Shea Principal and Vice-Chancellor, The University of Edinburgh

7 be inclusive, supportive and collegial in our approach, which is underpinned by principles of dignity and respect, equality and diversity, health, safety and wellbeing. For staff:

8 promote student health, wellbeing and safety. For students:


10 Edinburgh Manifesto Thinking about sustainable solutions includes thinking about what kind of world we would like to work towards and why - exploring what we mean by, for example, ‘sustainable development’, ‘progress’ or ‘well-being’.

11 Aims To enable a better understanding of the usefulness of focusing on wellbeing to address major societal challenges and to explore ways to embed wellbeing in planning, decision and action.


13 Key themes health, work & welfare place & space life course perspective


15 A Common Challenge


17 health (physical and mental) place/space work/employment Wellbeing

18 academia/research policy practice Wellbeing



21 Departments participating

22 Points for discussion

23 University Principal Corporate Services Group VP Nigel Paul Procurement Karen Bowman Social Responsibility & Sustainability Dave Gorman Estates and Buildings Angus Currie Colleges Heads of College SASG Sec Sarah Smith IS VP Jeff Hayward Who we are

24 AlexisAnya Dave Caro David Joe JoyLizMatt WendyMichelle FinnSunnahJaneRuthMartinLucyAlan Who we are

25 New support department Helping everyone to do things better 3 main working areas – – Practical programmes – Strategy & governance – Future scanning

26 What we do We support staff and students to create a sustainable and socially responsible environment at the University and beyond. Supporting a culture of change Pursuing excellence and innovation Working collaboratively as part of the local and global community

27 Healthy Working Lives students/staff/health- wellbeing/about/healthy-working-lives

28 Healthy Universities students/staff/enhancing-student- experience/initiatives/sep/healthy-university



31 Student Life / Student Experience












43 What sort of University do we want to be? …responsible?

44 Zero hours contracts Child labour Investment funds

45 Share your journey Get fitter Save money Your nearest secure cycle stores are located at XXXXXXX


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