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Predicate Nominative. Predicate Nominative: noun(s) or pronoun(s) in the predicate that identifies the subject. **Always follows linking verb. **Look.

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Presentation on theme: "Predicate Nominative. Predicate Nominative: noun(s) or pronoun(s) in the predicate that identifies the subject. **Always follows linking verb. **Look."— Presentation transcript:

1 Predicate Nominative

2 Predicate Nominative: noun(s) or pronoun(s) in the predicate that identifies the subject. **Always follows linking verb. **Look for nouns or pronouns after LV **Cross out Prep Phrases

3 A tiger is a wild animal. The guilty people in the room were he and she.

4 Circle the linking verb in each of the following sentences. Then, underline the predicate nominative. Some predicate nominatives may be compound (more than one). 1.Jacque Cousteau has always been one of my role models. 2.A hurricane is an area with low pressure air.

5 Complete each sentence by adding a predicate nominative. 1.The tornado was __________________.

6 In the sentences below, circle each verb. Then, identify each underlined word(s) by writing PN for predicate nominative (follows linking verb) or DO for direct object (follows action verb). 1.My brother may become a doctor. 2.Billie Holiday is Kevin’s favorite jazz singer.

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