EJSApp: Using Virtual and Remote Laboratories in Moodle Luis de la Torre 1, Ruben Heradio 2, José Sánchez 1, Sebastian Dormido 1 1 Dept. of Computer Science.

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Presentation on theme: "EJSApp: Using Virtual and Remote Laboratories in Moodle Luis de la Torre 1, Ruben Heradio 2, José Sánchez 1, Sebastian Dormido 1 1 Dept. of Computer Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 EJSApp: Using Virtual and Remote Laboratories in Moodle Luis de la Torre 1, Ruben Heradio 2, José Sánchez 1, Sebastian Dormido 1 1 Dept. of Computer Science and Automatic Control 1 Dept. of Software Engineering and Computer Systems September 11-13, 2013 - Madrid, Spain - MPTL’18 (2013) Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning

2 Contents 2 MPTL’18 Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning 1.Motivation 2.What is Moodle? 3.What are Virtual and Remote Labs (VRLs)? 4.What is EJSApp? 5.EJSApp plugins i.EJSApp ii. EJSApp File Browser iii. EJSApp Booking System iv. EJSApp Collab Sessions

3 1. Motivation 3 Online courses (Moodle) Experimental practices (VRLs) Easy construction of VRLs (EJS) Easy deployment of VRLs (EJSApp) Easy management of VRLs (EJSApp) Enhanced functionalities of VRLs (EJSApp) Enhanced functionalities of online courses (EJSApp) MPTL’18 Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning

4 2. What is Moodle? 4 MPTL’18 Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning Integrates anything needed for a course (blocks, activities…). It can be customized to support the needed features. It can be used from any device (tablets, smartphones…). More than 60 million users (Most used LMS in the world). Moodle is a free open source LMS. Supports teachers with their teaching and learners with their learning.

5 3. What are virtual and remote laboratories? 5 Client sideServer side Internet Router Web-cam DAQ Setup in the lab MPTL’18 Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning

6 4. What is EJSApp? 6 MPTL’18 Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning Free & open source! 4 plugins > 2700 downloads in nine months Moodle Hat Award

7 5. EJSApp plugins 7 MPTL’18 Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning Core plugin (EJSApp) Storing data and other files (EJSApp File Browser) Managing the access to the RLs (EJSApp Booking System) Allowing collaborative work with the VRLs (EJSApp Collab Session) Visit our channel in Youtube: UNEDLabs (http://www.youtube.com/user/UNEDLabs)http://www.youtube.com/user/UNEDLabs

8 5. EJSApp plugins - EJSApp 8 MPTL’18 Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning Add EJS applications to a Moodle course – Simulations or virtual laboratories – Remote laboratories Set standard Moodle conditions for accessing these new activities Automatic backup and restore features Multi-language support Personalize EJS simulations for each student Different initial states for each EJS simulation

9 5. EJSApp plugins – EJSApp File Browser 9 MPTL’18 Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning Extends Moodle’s Private Files native repository Store files saved from an EJS application integrated into Moodle by means of EJSApp – Image files – Text (data) files – State files Load previously saved states for a particular EJS simulation

10 5. EJSApp plugins – EJSApp Booking System 10 MPTL’18 Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning Provides a way to manage the access to the RL resources – Students need to make a booking before they can work with the RL – Teachers have free access to the RLs Sends e-mails to both students and teachers about the bookings and the state of the RLs Allows teachers to control the booking rights of students over the different RLs

11 5. EJSApp plugins – EJSApp Collab Sessions 11 MPTL’18 Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning Real time collaboration with VRLs between two or more Moodle users – Student-student(s) – Teacher-student(s) The session director creates the collaborative session – Selects the VRL to work with – Selects the invited users Sends Moodle’s Ims and e-mails to the users invited to a collaborative session

12 Thank you for your attention! Any questions? MPTL’18 (2013) Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning

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