Informing and inspiring good employee health decisions everyday!

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Presentation on theme: "Informing and inspiring good employee health decisions everyday!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Informing and inspiring good employee health decisions everyday!

2 Cubicle Wellness is an low cost, email health and wellness series that is based on the premise that: 70% of health care costs are associated with chronic disease – most of which is preventable. For most individuals, a healthier life is achievable through a series of small decisions they make everyday.

3 The health of our population is declining… 65% are overweight; over 30% obese. 24 million with diabetes 21% smoke cigarettes 27 million with heart disease

4 and the cost of poor health is rising… The cost to employers of employee health insurance has surged 31 percent.** Recent estimates show that employers spend 200 to 300 percent more on the indirect costs of poor health than they do on health benefits.* Since 2004, employee share of healthcare cost increased by 42% far outpacing the rate of wage increases**

5 Prevention is key--70% of health care costs are associated with chronic disease – most of which is preventable.* Wellness programs will fit into any health care system. Companies that commit to a culture of good health can reduce their health care costs by at least 20%.* Ongoing communications are critical to maintaining healthy behavior. Americans increasingly are looking to employers for leadership in health and wellness. What Can We Do? As the government attempts to reform the health care payer system, employers are recognizing that it is their best interests to take steps to improve employee health.

6 The Challenge Changing behavior and improving health is challenging—for both employers and employees. It can be time consuming and overwhelming. And let’s face it—the message is essentially the same regardless of how it is delivered. If it was simple we wouldn’t be looking at the levels of heart disease and diabetes we just cited. Lose weight Exercise more Stop smoking Eat a healthier diet

7 What Makes Us Different? Cubicle Wellness is based on the premise that a healthy lifestyle is a series of small decisions you make everyday, and that these decisions, alone or combined with larger programs, can make the goal of good health achievable. To keep employees motivated and engaged our program is designed to be: Fun and engaging Concise and brief Consistent Immediately actionable

8 The Cubicle Wellness Program… is a health and wellness information e series designed to help employees make healthy decisions everyday. Each and every email is: Short (less than 200 words). Actionable. Each email has an easy “Try it Now” tip. Can be delivered daily, bi weekly, weekly Covers topics such as weight loss, nutrition, diabetes and heart health, stress, sleep, physical fitness, ergonomics…and more. Designed specifically for the workplace, with easy to execute tips that can be done at the workplace or that day at home. Can include customized information for your corporate wellness program.

9 Samples

10 Our content is: Research based Professionally fact checked Engaging Accessible Useful Simple Effective

11 Our program can: Stand alone as a wellness information plan. Can be a gateway to any other health and wellness activities being done for your employees. Can be branded or co branded with your company logo and information. Can be customized to include information specific to your own programs or employee communication needs.

12 Nine content categories and counting…. Physical fitness Nutrition Heart Health Diabetes Weight control Ergonomics Stress management General well being Seasonal Information

13 How it works…

14 Enrollment Enrollment can be offered via: Email Company website Counter cards and brochures On site health screenings Employee packets Mailings Employees may be offered incentives: Reduced co pays Fitness premiums

15 Options Employees/employers can control: Frequency: Daily, weekly, 2xs/week, etc. Content: Areas of interest such as diabetes, weight control; heart health; health alerts Language: Emails are offered in English and Spanish.

16 Delivery The Cubicle Wellness program can be delivered via corporate email or our proprietary secure email newsletter system. Employees receive emails on their: Desktop PDA iPhone Downloads Office/Home

17 Customization Corporate branding Messaging options Wellness program gateway Meditation rooms Coaching downloads

18 Evaluation Employee participation Employee feedback Changes in lifestyle behavior Reduction in health care costs Decrease in sick days

19 What employees are saying about cubicle wellness…

20 What employers are saying about cubicle wellness…

21 Pricing

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