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Recycling and Sustainability Ciara Everhart. Why should we recycle?  Did you know our country fills up undeveloped countries with all of our trash because.

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Presentation on theme: "Recycling and Sustainability Ciara Everhart. Why should we recycle?  Did you know our country fills up undeveloped countries with all of our trash because."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recycling and Sustainability Ciara Everhart

2 Why should we recycle?  Did you know our country fills up undeveloped countries with all of our trash because we have nowhere to put it and those countries have no way to stop us?  By wasting and polluting our fresh water, we reduce the quantity and force our future generations to treat contaminated water. Soil can easily lose its quality enough that it will no longer be able to encourage growth and sustain life.

3 Does one person really make a difference?  “ If each person were to reuse a paper shopping bag for just one trip to the store, we would save 60 000 trees. Imagine how many trees would be saved if we all used reusable cloth grocery bags instead!”  “Recycling a single aluminium can saves enough energy to power your television for three hours or to run a 100-watt light bulb for almost four hours. Imagine how much energy you alone could save if you recycled every aluminium can you used in a year!” .

4 How much do we use? How much is recycled?  An average American produced 800 kilograms of rubbish in the year 2005, compared to only 577 kilograms per person in Western Europe.  75 percent of all water used in the household is used in the bathroom  United States recycles about 32% of its waste today. 69% of the total waste was generated for recycling in the Australian Capital Territory in 2002- 2003 followed by 63% for South Australia and 51% for Victoria. .

5 Steps you can take  Find places nearby that recycle at http://search.ear http://search.ear  Think of new purposes for your household items you would have thrown away

6 What else can you do?  USG Green Team  Ditch the Dumpster at ASU’s year-end donation and recycling drive  ASU’s undie-run  More options at t-you-can-do/index.php t-you-can-do/index.php

7 Works Cited  Works Cited  “Recycling Statistics.” Feb 3 2013. .  “Benefits of Recycling.” Dec 12 2012. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Feb 3 2013. .  “What you can do.” Feb 3 2013. .  Earth911. Infinity Resources Holdings company. Feb 3 2013. .  “Does Recycling Really Make A Difference?” 2005. Leah Thorpe. Feb. 3 2013. .

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