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Slide 1 Prof. Kostic ’s Research & Scholarly Interests and Activities Fundamentals and Application of Energy Prof. Kostic ’s Research & Scholarly Interests.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Prof. Kostic ’s Research & Scholarly Interests and Activities Fundamentals and Application of Energy Prof. Kostic ’s Research & Scholarly Interests."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Prof. Kostic ’s Research & Scholarly Interests and Activities Fundamentals and Application of Energy Prof. Kostic ’s Research & Scholarly Interests and Activities Fundamentals and Application of Energy

2 Slide 2 The Fundamental Laws of Nature: The Laws of Thermodynamics have much wider, including philosophical significance and implication, than their simple expressions based on the experimental observations, they are: The Fundamental Laws of Nature: The Zeroth (equilibrium existentialism),The Zeroth (equilibrium existentialism), The First (conservational transformationalism),The First (conservational transformationalism), The Second (forced-directional, irreversible transformationalism),The Second (forced-directional, irreversible transformationalism), The Third (unattainability of emptiness).The Third (unattainability of emptiness). The Laws are defining and unifying our comprehension of all existence and transformations in the universe. Solving practical problems helps "really" understand theory, so that one can then solve other problems more effectively. If we can not solve a problem, that "proves" we do not "truly" understand theory -- the key is integration/synergy of theory and practice, the "true" UNDERSTANDING! If one thinks theory is boring, that means one is not really interested in understanding to solve practical problems.

3 Slide 3 What is Energy ? If one could expel all energy out of a physical system … … then empty, nothing will be left … … so ENERGY is EVERYTHING … E=mc 2 Mass (m) is bind-energy within (E), they have a holistic meaning of “mass-energy”

4 Slide 4 Among distinguished invites were five keynote speakers from China and seven international keynote speakers: three from the USA and one each from Japan, United Kingdom, Singapore, and Spain; including four Academicians and six university Presidents/vice-presidents. “ Dear Professor Kostic:..... I would like to express my thousand thanks to you for your huge contribution to the Forum… ZY Guo” (Academician, Chinese Academy of Sci.)

5 Slide 5 The 16 th IHTC will be first time in 2018 in Beijing, China, Prof. Xing Zhang, Exicutive Chair The 15 th IHTC will be in 2014 in Kyoto, Japan, Prof. Maruyama, Scientific Chair Greeting Prof. Guo (Academician)

6 Slide 6 Great Wall, Tsinghua University, Olympic Bird Nest, and Tiananmen Square with Forbidden City Peking Duck Great Wall, Tsinghua University, Olympic Bird Nest, and Tiananmen Square with Forbidden City & Peking Duck

7 Slide 7 Prof. M. Kostic Mechanical Engineering NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY International Forum on Frontier Theories in Thermal Science Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, December 18-20, 2011

8 Slide 8

9 Slide 9 © M. Kostic “ The Second Law of Thermodynamics is considered one of the central laws of science, engineering and technology. “ The Second Law of Thermodynamics is considered one of the central laws of science, engineering and technology. For over a century it has been assumed to be inviolable by the scientific community. For over a century it has been assumed to be inviolable by the scientific community. Over the last 10-20 years, however, more than two dozen challenges to it have appeared in the physical literature - more than during any other period in its 150-year history.” Second Law Conference: Status and Challenges Second Law Conference: Status and Challenges with Prof. Sheehan in Sun Diego, CA June 2011

10 Slide 10 The Second Law Symposium has been a unique gathering of the unorthodox physicist and inventors (to avoid using a stronger word)

11 Slide 11 Prof. M. Kostic Mechanical Engineering NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY International Forum on Frontier Theories in Thermal Science Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, December 16, 2011 Carnot 1824 Heat Engine Reversibility Clausius 1850 NO Heat from cold to hot 1865 Entropy Kelvin-Planck 1848 Abs. Temperature 1865 NO Work from single reservoir Gibbs 1870’s Entropy, Chem.Potential Phys.Chemistry

12 Slide 12 Fig. 8: Significance of the Carnot’s reasoning of reversible cycles is in many ways comparable with the Einstein’s relativity theory in modern times. The Carnot Ratio Equality is much more important than what it appears at first. It is probably the most important equation in Thermodynamics and among the most important equations in natural sciences. The “Key Fundamental Concepts” are much more important than what they appear to be

13 Slide 13 YES! Miracles are possible ! It may look ‘ perpetuum mobile ’ but miracles are real too … … we could not comprehend energy conservation until 1850s: (mechanical energy was escaping “without being noticed how”) … we may not comprehend now new energy conversions and wrongly believe they are not possible: (“cold fusion” seems impossible for now … ?) …….Let us keep our eyes and our minds ‘open’ ……….. Things and Events are both, MORE but also LESS complex than how they appear and we ‘see’ them -- it is natural simplicity in real complexity … but, the miracles are until they are comprehended and understood !

14 Slide 14 Thank you! Any Question ?

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