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I love cats, so I chose cats as the subject of my Andy Warhol imitation I made this when I was five years old.

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Presentation on theme: "I love cats, so I chose cats as the subject of my Andy Warhol imitation I made this when I was five years old."— Presentation transcript:


2 I love cats, so I chose cats as the subject of my Andy Warhol imitation I made this when I was five years old.

3 This is my self portrait. I drew this when I was 5 years old.

4 Dewey the Library Cat is the subject of this Watercolor. I painted this when I was 8 years old.

5 I really love music and play six instruments. I made this when I was 9 years old.

6 I love music and art. I have loved music since I was 5 and I looked at the piano and I started taking lessons. I have loved art since I was two years old and I started to draw pictures. I would love to go to the Academy of Fine Arts because I would like to learn a lot more about music and art, and I try to spend as much time as I can taking lessons and classes about these subjects. I love to perform and having time to play my instruments in front of a whole audience and for them to hear how I play. When I play in a recital, I don’t know if the audience is actually listening I like to hear people say “good job,” because that is how I know they paid attention to it and they liked it. I always want people to like the music I play. I don’t play just for lessons, I want to help people enjoy the sound of music. I really hope that I get into the Academy of Fine Arts because it sounds really fun and exciting, and I think I will enjoy having music and art classes every day. I also will love to meet a lot of new friends who share interests with me.

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