Actuarial Internships Diane Sullivan Second Vice-President Travelers Property Casualty.

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Presentation on theme: "Actuarial Internships Diane Sullivan Second Vice-President Travelers Property Casualty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Actuarial Internships Diane Sullivan Second Vice-President Travelers Property Casualty

2  Actuarial Internship Elements  Recruiting  Benefits of Internship Program

3 Actuarial Internship Elements Work Experience NetworkingMentoring Development Curriculum

4 Actuarial Internship Elements 12-Week Summer Program Coordinated as part of Company-wide Leadership Development Internship Program

5 Work Experience Real actuarial projects - not just copying/filing/data input Study of Homeowners Brush Fire exposure in Southern California Study of Personal Auto Deductible Credit Factors Construction Market ELPF review Small Market Construction Defect analysis Personal and Commercial Rate Filings

6 Development Curriculum Weekly presentations by senior members of actuarial and finance communities: Introduction to Travelers Understanding Insurance Products Claim Department Reinsurance Personal Lines Commercial Lines Bond

7 Networking Senior Management Exposure Individual meetings set up by intern coordinator Development Curriculum Social Events “Actuaries don’t work in a vacuum” - desire to integrate with other disciplines as early as possible

8 Social Events Welcome Reception (with Sr. Mgmt) Welcome Pizza Luncheon Habitat for Humanity Intern Picnic Riverboat Cruise City-wide Scavenger Hunt Volleyball Six Flags Whirlyball

9 Mentoring Each participant is assigned a mentor Mentors are typically actuarial students Mentors are called upon for all types of questions Career Advice Exam Preparation Where’s the closest mall?

10 Recruiting for Interns How do students hear about Travelers? Career Fairs Information Sessions Website High School Event

11 Recruiting for Interns Travelers Target ALDP Schools Bryant CollegeCornell University Hamilton CollegeLafayette College Notre DamePenn State SUNY Stony BrookSUNY Geneseo Univ. of Connecticut

12 Recruiting for Interns Interviews On Campus during full-time recruitment On-site for local candidates Phone interviews

13 What does an intern gain from the experience? Build a Foundation Introduction to: Company Corporate Culture Actuarial Profession Connecticut

14 Build a Foundation 12-Week InterviewBusiness Experience Actuarial ExperienceExam Support Workshops: Presentation Skills Intro. to Corporate Culture Resume Writing Interviewing Techniques What does an intern gain from the experience?

15 What does the company gain from the experience? Investment in the Future 12-Week Interview Assess Analytical Skills Ability to work with others Communication Skills Real Actuarial Work Completed Management Training for Actuarial Students Committed Future Employees

16 Final Thoughts Commitment to Program Expect Ups and Downs Don’t Expect to Hire Every Intern Make Interns a Part of the Community

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