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SPELLING 1. 1. USE YOUR SENSES Learning to spell involves a variety of senses. You use your senses of hearing, sight, and touch to spell a word correctly.

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Presentation on theme: "SPELLING 1. 1. USE YOUR SENSES Learning to spell involves a variety of senses. You use your senses of hearing, sight, and touch to spell a word correctly."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. USE YOUR SENSES Learning to spell involves a variety of senses. You use your senses of hearing, sight, and touch to spell a word correctly. Here is a five-step strategy that many people have used successfully as they learned to spell unfamiliar words.

3 2. FIVE-STEP SENSORY STRATEGY (1) Auditory Say the word aloud. Answer these questions.  Where have I heard or read this word before?  What was the context in which I heard or read the word?

4 3. FIVE-STEP SENSORY STRATEGY (2) Visual Look at the word. Answer these questions.  Does this word divide into parts? Is it a compound word? Does it have a prefix or a suffix?  Does this word look like any other word I know? Could it be part of a word family I would recognize?

5 4. FIVE-STEP SENSORY STRATEGY (3)Auditory Spell the word to yourself. Answer these questions.  How is each sound spelled?  Are there any surprises? Does the word follow spelling rules I know, or does it break the rules?

6 5. FIVE-STEP SENSORY STRATEGY (4) Visual/Kinesthetic Write the word as you look at it. Answer these questions.  Have I written the word clearly?  Are my letters formed correctly?

7 6. FIVE-STEP SENSORY STRATEGY (5) Visual/Kinesthetic Cover up the word. Visualize it. Write it. Answer this question.  Did I write the word correctly?  If the answer is no, return to step 1.


9 1. EASIER FOR SOME THAN OTHERS Spelling is easier for some people than it is for others, but everyone needs to make an effort to spell correctly. Misspellings are distracting for the reader, and they make writing hard to read. Here are some strategies you can use to improve your spelling.

10 2. DICTIONARY/THESAURUS (a) Use a dictionary. If you are not sure how to spell a word, or if a word you have written doesn’t “look right,” check the word in a dictionary. (b) Purchase a pocket dictionary/thesaurus. This is not optional. Every student needs to carry his/her own.

11 3. READ BACKWARD (c) Proofread your writing carefully, especially on EOC. Practice daily on Bellringer. Soon, you will be revising them for homework and turning them in for daily work grades, eventually, for test grades. Spelling always counts. Be on the lookout for misspellings and for words you are not sure you spelled correctly. One way to proofread your writing for misspellings is to start at the end of your paper and read backward. That way misspellings should pop out at you.

12 4. PRACTICE 1 (3O WORDS)  Write the letter of the misspelled word in each line. Then write the word correctly. Properly head paper. Work independently. 1.(a) abbreviation (b) boulevard(c) extream 2.(a) burea (b) confer(c) forgery 3.(a) fasinating (b) guarantee(c) illustrate 4.(a) irritate (b) luxury(c) mischeif

13 5. PRACTICE 1 (30 WORDS) 5.(a) authentic (b) brillance(c) disguise 6.(a) mysterious (b) ocasionally(c) prestige 7.(a) legislasure (b) merchandise(c) notch 8.(a) punctual (b) resign(c) resterant 9.(a) ridicilous (b) sizable(c) thesaurus 10.(a) coupon (b) chrystal(c) dissatisfied

14 6. PROUNCIATION (d) Be sure you are pronouncing words correctly. “Swallowing” syllables or adding extra syllable can cause you to misspell a word.

15 7. PRACTICE 2 (12 WORDS)  Practicing saying each syllable in the following words three times then write them to help you remember to spell them correctly. 1. mis*chie*vous5. light*ning9. sim*i*lar 2. lit*er*a*ture6. ath*lete10. prob*a*bly 3. pros*per*ous7. li*brar*y11. fi*er*y 4. tem*per*a*ture8. es*cape12. qui*et

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