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THE DENTAL TEAM “What ethical issues exist in the relationship of the dentist and dental auxiliaries?”

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Presentation on theme: "THE DENTAL TEAM “What ethical issues exist in the relationship of the dentist and dental auxiliaries?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE DENTAL TEAM “What ethical issues exist in the relationship of the dentist and dental auxiliaries?”

2 Educational Background of Dental Hygienists w College level coursework 2.5 - 3 years w Degreed offered: Associate of Science Bachelor of Science Master of Science w Accredited Programs w Licensure

3 Course Work w Basic Science General Chemistry with lab Anatomy & Physiology with lab Microbiology with lab Nutrition w General Education English Composition Communications or Speech Psychology Sociology

4 Dental Sciences w Dental Morphology and Occlusion w Histology & Embryology w General & Oral Pathology w Oral Medicine w Dental Materials w Pharmacology

5 Dental Hygiene Practice w Patient Assessment w Radiology w Medical Emergencies w Preventive Dentistry w Periodontology w Expanded Functions (Hygiene & Restorative) w Community and Public Health Dentistry w Practice Management

6 Scope of Practice w Patient Assessment w Data Interpretation w Dental Hygiene Treatment Planning w Periodontal Debridement w Preventive therapies w Restorative Expanded Functions

7 Educational Background of Dental Assistants w On the job training (OTJ), Vocational/Technical Colleges; Community Colleges w Accredited Programs w Certification for Expanded Functions w Degrees: Associate of Science

8 Course work w Basic Science Anatomy & Physiology w General Education English Composition

9 Dental Sciences w Dental Morphology and Occlusion w Histology,Embryology, General & Oral Pathology, Pharmacology Concepts w Dental Materials

10 Dental Assisting Practice w Patient Assessment w Radiology w Medical Emergencies w Preventive Dentistry w Expanded Functions (Hygiene & Restorative) w Community and Public Health Dentistry w Practice Management

11 Scope of Practice w Limited Patient Assessment w Chairside assisting w Expanded Restorative Functions w Preventive therapies

12 Ethical Issues Faced w Sexual Harassment w Supervision w Delegation of duties w Evaluation

13 Sexual Harassment w “A form of sexual discrimination that includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical actions of a sexual nature when:

14 w submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or status w submission to or rejection such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for an employment decision or a decision affecting an individual’s status w such conduct substantially interferes with an individual’s work, academic participation or performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment.

15 Ethical Relationships w Improve the quality of patient care w Increase office productivity w Decrease stress level for all members of the Team.

16 Strategies to enhance mutually beneficial and cooperative relationships w Develop respectful, collaborative relationships w Establish open communication processes w Provide clear delineation of responsibilities, especially limitations

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