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Alastair Fairfull- who am I? This Session- –Introduction –What’s Dyslexia –Strengths and weaknesses –Simulation Test –Role and Responsibilities of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Alastair Fairfull- who am I? This Session- –Introduction –What’s Dyslexia –Strengths and weaknesses –Simulation Test –Role and Responsibilities of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alastair Fairfull- who am I? This Session- –Introduction –What’s Dyslexia –Strengths and weaknesses –Simulation Test –Role and Responsibilities of the SNO –Teaching Suggestions –Successful Dyslexics Overview

2 Greek term: It means difficulty(dys) with words (lexis) Also known as Specific Learning Difficulty (SPLD) An Introduction to Dyslexia

3 A neurological- based specific learning difficulty that is characterised by difficulties in one or more of reading, writing and spelling. Accompanying weaknesses may be identified in areas of language acquisition, phonological processing, working memory, and sequencing. Occur in learners with normal intelligence. What’s Dyslexia?

4 Many theories but no consensus on the exact cause- neurological based. Research confirms that it can run in the family More common in males than females (4:1) What Causes Dyslexia?

5 Language Acquisition There is evidence to suggest that dyslexics have difficulty learning additional languages. Phonological Processing Difficulty Most common difficulty in dyslexics Difficulty in learning the relationship between letters and sounds. Working Memory Poor ability to hold information in their short term memory May affect mental arithmetic, remembering long list of instructions, learning phonics and developing vocabulary Sequencing Problem sequencing letters and sounds Areas of Weaknesses

6 Good reasoning skills Creative Think in big picture and multi- dimensional way Visual and kinaesthetic learners Areas of Strengths

7 General Poor processing speed for spoken and/or written language Poor concentration Difficulty following instructions Forgetful of words Indicators of Dyslexia

8 Written work Poor standard of written work compared to oral ability Poor penmanship Messy work with many cancellations Letter reversals Inconsistent spelling of the same word Letter confusion Unusual sequencing of letters or words Indicators of Dyslexia

9 Reading Slow, inaccurate or labored oral reading Difficulty in blending letters together Difficulty in establishing syllable division Strange pronunciation of words Expressionless reading Deletion/addition of words Failure to recognise familiar words Poor comprehension of text Indicators of Dyslexia

10 Numeracy Number order and/or symbols confusion Difficulty with information in sequential order Difficulty in memorising formulae Find mental arithmetic at speed very difficult Indicators of Dyslexia

11 Time Difficulty learning how to tell time Poor general awareness of time and time-keeping Confuse concept such as yesterday, today or tomorrow Poor personal organisation Indicators of Dyslexia

12 Behaviour Employ work avoidance tactics Tend to dream in class Easily distracted Disruptive or withdrawn Show excessive tiredness Indicators of Dyslexia

13 Simulation Test

14 Have a go. The big brown fox had no dinner. Such was the quality of his existence

15 As learners with dyslexia are often “whole picture thinkers”,they need to know how their new learning fit in with what they already know. They often have excellent visual – spatial skills, and like to attach information to images They learn best through multisensory approach Approach to learning

16 Provides specialized remediation in withdrawal setting Provides in-class support Screening of at –risk pupils using Dyslexia Screening Kit (Junior) Sets Individualised Education Plan Ro l e and Responsibilities

17 Remediation Programme Based on Orton-Gillingham approach to reading instruction (wikipaedia): Language based Cognitive Structured, sequential and cumulative Simultaneously Multisensory Diagnostic and prescriptive Emotionally sound Role and Responsibilities

18 In-class Support Remind/prompt pupil to stay on-task, pay attention and participate Help pupil to follow class routine Help pupil to understand lesson content Withdraw pupil for time-out if disruptive Communicate pupil’s need to teachers Role and Responsibilities

19 Screening Test (Dyslexia) BDA recommendations Collect supporting documents including work samples, checklist or other informal assessment done Work closely with EP, LSC, teachers Role and Responsibilities

20 Provision of skill training to pupils Provision of peer training and support Communicate with parents of child’s progress Prepare teaching and learning resources Share/discuss with teachers about strategies, support and creating a special needs friendly environment for the pupils Role and Responsibilities

21 Get samples of pupil’s work Issue teacher and parents checklist Issue consent form to parents for approval to conduct screening Dyslexic at risk will be referred to EP Pre-Screening Procedures

22 Sit the child in front Provide structure of lesson in advance Instructions should be sequenced clearly. Do not give too many instructions at once. Avoid giving instructions while pupils are reading or copying. Get pupils to use highlighters to highlight key points Provide time to think, organise and complete Teaching Suggestions

23 Provide positive feedback encouragement and praise to boost self- esteem Involve peers who are: -mature -helpful and sympathetic -willing -able to work within capabilities Teaching Suggestions

24 Leornardo da Vinci Believed to suffer from dyslexia & ADD. He wrote his notes backwards, right to left in mirror image and his manuscript contain many spelling errors characteristic of dyslexia Successful Dyslexics Thomas Edison Was thrown out of school at 12 because he was thought to be dumb. Terrible in maths, words and speech and unable to focus.

25 Successful Dyslexics She remembers being called dumb and stupid because she had a lot of problems reading. She went on to be nominated for an Oscar… Whoopi Goldberg


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