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«Проект по экономической реабилитации и построению мер доверия»

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Presentation on theme: "«Проект по экономической реабилитации и построению мер доверия»"— Presentation transcript:

1 «Проект по экономической реабилитации и построению мер доверия»
Why IWRM and What it Means 25th of June, 2013 Eng. Ahmed Abou elseoud Senior Water Resources Management Expert «Проект по экономической реабилитации и построению мер доверия»

2 About Water …. A “Single” Resource – has no substitute
A Limited Resource A Scarce Resource (or is it?) Has Social, Economic, and Environmental Value (social and environment are recent)

3 A Unique Resource Every organism, individual, and ecosystem on the planet depends on water for survival. Water impacts all aspects of life on the planet Poor water management and water shortages can lead to disease, malnutrition, reduced economic growth, social instability, conflict, and environmental disaster.

4 The Global Water Budget
Global Freshwater 87% Not Accessible 13% Accessible (0.4% of global) Global Water 97% Seawater 3% Freshwater

5 A Challenge to Water Management


7 The Water Scene Resources are scarce Demands are outstripping supplies
Environmental/Ecological issues are serious Policy and institutional issues are complicated Current approach is sectoral and fragmented Financing is poor and options are expensive

8 Where Are We Headed? Decreasing per-capita availability
Degrading water quality Increasing competition/conflict within sectors and within society Urban versus agriculture Haves versus have nots Upstream versus downstream National versus international Increasing competition/conflict with the environment

9 Water as a Global Issue Water crisis has steadily moved up the global agenda The process is driven by water-related health impacts, rapid industrialization, water security, and awakening environmental consciousness

10 The Paradigm Shift The Dublin principles (1992)
Water is a single, finite resource Water management and development should include stakeholders Water is an economic good Women play a central role in management and conservation of water The Dublin Principles have served as guide for the global water dialogue

11 Key Water Challenges and Needs
Integrated management of water Water resources economics Political economy of water Water supply and sanitation services Irrigation/drainage NRM and environment Water pricing and cost recovery Water entitlement and rights Water users empowerment Sharing of water and its benefits Cooperation and conflict resolution Energy

12 MDGs … a starting point Goal 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Goal 2. Achieve universal primary education Goal 3. Promote gender equality and empower women Goal 4. Reduce child mortality Goal 5. Improve maternal health Goal 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Goal 7. Ensure environmental sustainability Goal 8. Develop a Global Partnership for Development

13 Approaches to Water Management
Ad hoc Economic Analysis -- Single Project or Basin Multi-Objective Planning Comprehensive Multi-Purpose River Basin Planning and Management Strategic Planning and Implementation through IWRM

14 The Water Balancing Act
Demand Increasing in all sectors Inefficient use Supply Quantity (Natural Scarcity, Groundwater Depletion) Quality Degradation Cost of Options IWRM

15 Integrated Water Resources Management
A systematic process for linking water and water-related policy, objectives, and uses to improve decision making in: operation and management of natural resources and environmental systems; design and implementation of programs and policies. A coordinating framework for integrating sectoral needs, water and water-related policy, resource allocation, and management within the context of social, economic, and environmental development objectives.

16 Why IWRM? Globally accepted and makes good sense.
Key element in national water policy. Incorporates social and environmental considerations directly into policy and decision making. Directly involves the stakeholders. Is a tool for optimizing investments under tight financing climate.

17 Schematic of the IWRM Process
Country Development Objectives Stakeholder Input Donor Input Other Input Schematic of the IWRM Process Key Water & Water-related Policies/Inst. Resources Assessment & Analysis Use Assessment & Analysis Review & Evaluation Resource Allocation Strategy Implementation & Monitoring Resource Development & Management Plan

18 IWRM can be characterized as:
A process, not a product Scale independent - applies at all levels of development A tool for self assessment and program evaluation A tool for policy, planning, and management A mechanism for evaluating competing demands, resource allocation, and tradeoffs

19 Dimensions of IWRM GWP

20 Water Resources Development : The IWRM Process
Prosperity Governance Health Water Quality Water Supply Floods/Droughts Energy Agriculture Industry Pollution Prev Coastal Mgt. Ecosystem Mgt. Activity Sectors (water uses) Social Development Economic Env . Protection Objectives Policy/Inst. Framework Management Institutions Feedback IWRM Water and water related policies review and revision IWRM Resource development, management, monitoring, and evaluation IWRM Resource availability/use analysis and allocation

21 «Проект по экономической реабилитации и построению мер доверия»
Thank you for your attentiopn ! Questions? Why IWRM and What it Means 25th of June, 2013 Eng. Ahmed Abou elseoud Senior Water Resources Management Expert «Проект по экономической реабилитации и построению мер доверия»

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