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Article Two: The Executive Branch. The executive Branch is headed by the President of the United States. Can you name them?

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Presentation on theme: "Article Two: The Executive Branch. The executive Branch is headed by the President of the United States. Can you name them?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Article Two: The Executive Branch

2 The executive Branch is headed by the President of the United States. Can you name them?

3 To be President, you must… Be at least 35-years-old

4 Have been born in the United States

5 Have been a resident for 14 years

6 The term for a President is four years, and unlike Congressman, Presidents have term limits, as they can only serve two terms. They don’t have to be two terms in a row, however. Grover Cleveland is the only President to serve non-consecutive terms. Terms and years

7 Two term Presidents Only Twelve Presidents have completed two terms. Assuming President Obama completes his second term in 2016, he will be the thirteenth.

8 Some notable Presidents… Youngest: Teddy Roosevelt, 42-years-old Oldest: Ronald Reagan, 77-years-old

9 Longest serving: Franklin Roosevelt, 12 years Shortest serving: William Henry Harrison, 32 days

10 Largest President: William Howard Taft, 320 lbs Smallest President: James Madison, about 100 lbs

11 Only President to resign from office… Nixon, 1974

12 Impeachment Impeachment is the name of the process by which Congress attempts to remove a President from office. Presidents are only supposed to be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors”, not just political unpopularity.

13 Impeachment requires a majority (more than half) of the House + two-thirds of the Senate to vote to remove the President from office

14 The only two Presidents to be impeached were… Andrew Johnson 1868 Bill Clinton 1998

15 If something happens to the President, here is the order of succession: The Vice President Speaker of the House President pro tempore of the Senate 1 Secretary of State Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of Defense Attorney General Secretary of the Interior Secretary of Agriculture Secretary of Commerce Secretary of Labor Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Secretary of Transportation Secretary of Energy Secretary of Education Secretary of Veterans Affairs Secretary of Homeland Security

16 The job of the President is to enforce the laws. In other words, they are to make sure that the laws passed by Congress and the rulings of the courts are carried through.

17 National Guard sent by President Kennedy to enforce the Supreme Court’s ruling. Alabama Governor George Wallace who had been defying it. Example: 1963 Alabama Governor George Wallace was defying the Supreme Court’s order to integrate the University of Alabama and let African-American students enroll, so…

18 The President also has a military title: Commander-in-Chief The President gets the final say on decisions in times of war: who to attack, when to attack them, where to deploy troops, when to bring troops home and so forth. He relies upon his Secretary of Defense and Chiefs of Staff for advice. Congress, however, declares war and determines funding. Chiefs of Staff

19 Presidents also sign treaties and agreements with other countries. Here, President Reagan is shown in 1987 with Soviet Premier Gorbachev signing the first ever agreement to reduce the amount of nuclear weapons each country had.

20 II. Notes on Executive Branch 1.The Executive Branch refers to the President and Vice-President 2.The executive branch enforces the laws 3.To be President, you must be born in the United States and be 35 years-old 4.You can only serve for two terms 5.Congress has the power to impeach (remove) a President before his/her term is done

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