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YOUR COMPANY NAME AND LOGO Your One Sentence Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "YOUR COMPANY NAME AND LOGO Your One Sentence Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 YOUR COMPANY NAME AND LOGO Your One Sentence Summary

2 Management Team Use this slide as a way of lightly introducing yourselves...not to go through your life history. You want to set the tone that makes us believe everything you say in the rest of the presentation. Include the title for each person and just a couple brief points Joe Smith, CEO 20 years in enterprise software sales in our target industry Started, sold 2 prior companies Award of note? Target industry recognition? Bob Davis, CTO 12 years in mobile platform coding with Fortune 500 company and 2 startups Previously worked with current outsource development company 2

3 Problem Statement Use no more than a 12-word sentence here that summarizes the problem in your targeted market. Provide a 6-8 word bullet point to emphasize the problem Add a point for emphasis about how the problem quantitatively affects your target customers. 3

4 Our Target Customer Base Provide a few 6-8 word bullets to refine/quantify your target market to a more narrowly defined segment. How do you define your segment(s) and how many participants are there in the segments How much do your targets spend in the segment every year Is the problem in your target market growing? By how much? As a final, single thought, mention related markets that may be reachable once you gain traction in this market. 4

5 Our Competition Here, you want to help the viewer understand what the customers in your target customer segments currently do. Don’t list competitors here Use a few 6-8 word bullet points to describe, GENERICALLY, how your customers solve the problem. Common solutions are things like: “Use a Manual Process”; “Use Large Complex Systems”; “Use Numerous Stand-Alone Solutions”; “Build Custom Solutions”, etc. Overall, you’re trying to explain WHY current solutions are inadequate, not WHY competitors are inadequate. 5

6 Our Competition (optional extra slide) Create a Gartner Quadrant Analysis or similar quadrant analysis that depicts where, along two axes of competitive attributes that your competitors use.Gartner Quadrant Analysis The point with the graphic is to identify spaces where you believe the competitors fall short and, therefore, where a new business would have an advantage in competing. 6

7 Our Product Offering 2-4 slides! Offer a one-sentence description of your product offering. ONE SENTENCE HERE MEANS 12 WORDS! Show pictures, screen shots Talk about customer-relevant benefits…DO NOT TALK ABOUT EACH FEATURE AS YOU SHOW THE IMAGES! Offer to start with a demo, or finish with a demo. I would not put it in the middle! 7

8 Marketing Strategy 1-2 slides Remember that Marketing is NOT Sales. They are different. Marketing involves: Creating awareness, so things like Internet advertising, tradeshow attendance/speaking, trade journal advertising, obtaining public relations, hosting events, email campaigns, social media engagement all are things that raise awareness. Describe what you PLAN TO DO for the best way to raise awareness in your target market segment. 8

9 Sales Strategy 1-2 slides Remember that Marketing is NOT the same as Sales. Sales strategies involves Generating a sales transaction to occur. Pricing strategy is important to discuss. Will you use direct sales force (people who work for you) or partners (integrators, distributors, resellers)? Describe the specific steps you expect for the sales process…eg: Email campaign generates inbound inquiry (2 weeks) Customer Care person receives email and follows up with demo offer (1 week) Demo is scheduled and a proposal is offered (1 week) Prospect evaluates proposal (this step can be HIGHLY variable with industry and within industry…think about this) 9

10 Sales Pipeline (optional) If you’ve been in the market and are generating revenues, this is an important slide to include that shows a trend in your ability to secure customers. This slide can be either a graphical depiction or a high- level table as shown. Best to show by “stage” in the pipeline and quantified for revenue. Eg: 10 LeadsQualifiedDemoProposalAccepted Total #10060201812 Total $$3.0 Mil.$1.8 Mil.$600k$550k$480k 12 month revenue potential $1.2 Mil.$800k$480k$400k$320k

11 Operational Strategy 1-2 slides Think about your organization chart. Discuss the types of job positions and critical outsource partner types you are filling or need to fill. Describe your IP plans…if you’ve been filing patents, provide a slide with a table that summarizes dates…on the slide just a 6-8 word bullet Add a slide for Advisory board members if you have one If you’re familiar with the Business Model Canvas, your “Operational Strategy” slides are basically covering “Key Activities, Key Resources, and Key Partners”Business Model Canvas Identify 3 critical capabilities or production bottlenecks that you need to organize against… 11

12 Financial Projection Last Year This YearYear 1Year 2Year 3 Revenue COGS/COR Gross Profit SGA EBITDA 12 This is all the more level of detail/numbers you should jam on the slide!! Explain the biggest assumptions and key milestones only, not every number.

13 Financial Status and Needs How much capital have you already raised…and briefly, from what sources and what type (grants? Debt? Equity? Friends/Family? Sweat Equity?) How much capital are you seeking? Do you think you need multiple stages? What will you 1) pay for with the money and 2) achieve with the money in what time frame. Eg: $500,000 equity raise $280,000 for 2 years for 3 developers $100,000 data licensing fees $120,000 for 2 sales people and sales support In 2 years we will: Have a $500,000 annual revenue run rate Release 2 nd module Open 2 nd market 13

14 Summary of Strengths Provide 4-6 bullets, with no more than 6-8 words each of the highlights about some items…choose from below those that accentuate your best strengths: Your vision of success for the company Your comprehensive management team experience Your market size and/or trends of growth Your customer success to date The amount of capital raised and sought 14

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