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Integers and Absolute Value. Integers Integers Integers are the whole numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, …) and their opposites Integers are modeled on a number line:

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Presentation on theme: "Integers and Absolute Value. Integers Integers Integers are the whole numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, …) and their opposites Integers are modeled on a number line:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integers and Absolute Value

2 Integers Integers Integers are the whole numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, …) and their opposites Integers are modeled on a number line: -3-2-10123 As you move to the right on a number line, the integers increase in value As you move to the left on a number line, the integers decrease in value Negative Integers Positive Integers (-1, -2, -3, …)

3 Integers -5 is read “negative five” NOT minus five! You do not need to include a + sign in front of a positive integer. 2 is still just 2, not +2! PlottingPlotting a number on a number line means to draw a dot at the point that represents that number –Be sure to label your points! Draw a number line and plot the integers -6, -2, and 3. -6 -2 0 3

4 Absolute Value Absolute value is the distance from zero on a number line. Because AV is a distance, it is always positive. –There is no such thing as a negative distance. –If I drive 11 miles to school, I drive 11 miles home, not -11 miles!

5 Absolute Value AV is written with two vertical lines called absolute value signs –Ex: │7│ or │-3│ The absolute value of 7 (│7│) is 7, because it is seven spaces away from zero on a number line The absolute value of -3 (│-3│) is 3, because it is three spaces away from zero on a number line

6 Evaluating Absolute Value │-17│ =17 │5│ =5 │0│ =0 │-121│ =121

7 Opposites OppositesOpposites are numbers that are the same distance from, but on opposing sides of, zero OppositesOpposites have the same absolute value Find the opposites of the following: -118 -811 121 -121 0 0

8 Ordering Integers Plot the numbers on a number line. Order the numbers from left to right Example: -3, 4, 1, -1, 2, -4, -5

9 Homework Page 78-79 #2-58 even

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