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Objective: Graph integers on a number line and find absolute value.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Graph integers on a number line and find absolute value."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Graph integers on a number line and find absolute value.

2 Example 1. Study the pattern of the following subtraction sentences. 5 – 1 = 4 5 – 2 = 3 5 – 3 = 2 5 – 4 = 1 5 – 5 = 0 5 – 6 = ?

3 Example 1. Study the pattern of the following subtraction sentences. 5 – 1 = 4 5 – 2 = 3 5 – 3 = 2 5 – 4 = 1 5 – 5 = 0 5 – 6 = -1 This is an example of a negative number. A negative number is less than zero.

4 Integers

5 Numbers to the left of zero are less than zero.

6 Integers Numbers to the left of zero are less than zero. Numbers to the right of zero are more than zero.

7 Integers Numbers to the left of zero are less than zero. Numbers to the right of zero are more than zero. The numbers –1, -2, -3,… are called negative integers. The number negative 3 is written –3.

8 Integers Numbers to the left of zero are less than zero. Numbers to the right of zero are more than zero. The numbers –1, -2, -3,… are called negative integers. The number negative 3 is written –3. The numbers 1, 2, 3, … are called positive integers. The number positive 4 is written +4 or 4.

9 Integers Numbers to the left of zero are less than zero. Numbers to the right of zero are more than zero. The numbers –1, -2, -3,… are called negative integers. The number negative 3 is written –3. The numbers 1, 2, 3, … are called positive integers. The number positive 4 is written +4 or 4. Zero is neither negative nor positive.

10 Example 2a: Name the coordinates of D, E, and B AECBD

11 Example 2b: Graph points F, U, and N on a number line if F has coordinate 1, U has coordinate –3, and N has coordinate 4.

12 Absolute Value In words: The absolute value of a number is the distance the number is from the zero point on the number line. In symbols: |4| = 4 and |-4| = 4

13 Example 3: Simplify a.|9| + |-9|

14 Example 3: Simplify a.|9| + |-9| |9| + |-9| = 9 + 9

15 Example 3: Simplify a.|9| + |-9|| |9| + |-9| = 9 + 9 = 18

16 Example 3: Simplify a.|9| + |-9|| |9| + |-9| = 9 + 9 = 18 b.|13| - |-2|

17 Example 3: Simplify a.|9| + |-9|| |9| + |-9| = 9 + 9 = 18 b.|13| - |-2| |13| - |-2| = 13 – 2

18 Example 3: Simplify a.|9| + |-9|| |9| + |-9| = 9 + 9 = 18 b.|13| - |-2| |13| - |-2| = 13 – 2 = 11

19 Example 4: Evaluate the expression |x| - 7 if x = - 13

20 |x| - 7 = |-13| - 7

21 Example 4: Evaluate the expression |x| - 7 if x = - 13 |x| - 7 = |-13| - 7 = 13 – 7

22 Example 4: Evaluate the expression |x| - 7 if x = - 13 |x| - 7 = |-13| - 7 = 13 – 7 = 6

23 Assignment: Page 12 (1-31)

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