CaTissue customizations at Indiana University and Regenstrief Institute.

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1 caTissue customizations at Indiana University and Regenstrief Institute

2 caTissue Suite 1.2 Label and Barcode Printer (Plugin ) Label Generator (Plugin) Barcode Generator (Plugin) Consent related features (additions and modifications in caTissue codebase) caTrack Web Service (interacts through API) Data migration utilities (interacts through API) Bulk participant Registration and Printing Web Service (interacts through API) xCaCore (interacts through API) PDA with Scanner Laser Printer Brady Printer Plugin Utility or Service interacting with caTissue through API Addition or modification in caTissue codebase TeleForms (Data migration through SQL scripts) caTissue Customizations

3 Label Generator (Plug In) Label generation has been customized for Indiana using the framework caTissue provides. Label formats for Specimen, Specimen Collection Group and Storage Containers have been customized The label format is flexible and dynamic enough to be changed per protocol, per participant, per specimen. Label generator code required minimal or no change over adaption of new caTissue releases The TemplateBasedLabelGenerator and the LabelGenerator interfaces are implemented to customize the label generation functionality.

4 Barcode Generator (Plug In) The barcode generation for specimen and storage containers has been customized for Indiana The barcode generator appends a database identifier to the ISO-OID root to generate a barcode with a string format. For Indiana 2D barcode generation has been supported Barcode generator code required minimal or no change over adaption of new caTissue releases. The DefaultStorageContainerBarcodeGenerator and the DefaultSpecimenBarcodeGenerator classes are extended to customize the barcode generation functionality Specimen Barcode Storage Container Barcode

5 Label Printer (Plug In) This might be a very specific installation that depends on the printer model used or the format of the specimen labels required. Customized for Indiana to print labels and barcodes for specimen, specimen collection group and containers. Supports Brady and Laser printers The LabelPrinter interface provided by caTissue is implemented to support Indiana specific printing

6 Consent Tiers Changes have been made in caTissue codebase for supporting maintenance of consent documents and tracking amendments to these documents over period of time Responses for each of these documents can be captured Consent responses propagate from registration to SCG and specimen. Withdrawal of these consents is also supported All these features have been implemented in caTissue 1.2 codebase. It involved addition of code, changes at every layer in caTissue architecture right from Data model till user interface. This enhancement is maintained as separate branch in svn. Along with every new caTissue release, we will have to merge this into new release of caTissue and verify that it works well.

7 Printing web service and user interface A web interface “Print Request Page” has been developed to execute a variety of print commands. Printing of SCG, Specimen, Participant, etc is supported by this interface. The printing interface allows registering a number of anonymous patients in batch, and prints their SCG and specimen labels and barcodes which can be used by tissue bank to send some pre-labeled kits to the hospital. Calls to caTissue are made using the API service of caTissue for searching/creating caTissue domain objects. Hence minimal or no changes are required on adoption of new caTissue release.

8 caTrack  caTrack allows for Auto Data Capture (ADC) of tissue collection and processing using barcodes.  Current scope of caTrack: Setting the collected and received events of a specimen. Assigning a storage location to specimens. Transferring specimens or containers within containers. Adding frozen, centrifuge events on specimens. Tracking of shipment of specimens Capturing volume of specimens

9 caTrack workflow caTrack uses the caTissue API service to invoke the caTissue business logic. Hence with every new caTissue release, only verification of changes to business logic need to be made. No major changes are involved

10 caTissue Suite Dynamic Extensions CRF Forms Teleforms Excel Data Manual Data EntryTF Data Migration ToolDE data Migration tool Legacy Data in Excel Data capture using PDA Data as mail attachments (Excel) caTrack Web ServiceData Migration Tool Data Migration utility Specimen Data Migration DE Data Migration Data Import Mechanisms

11 Teleform Tool to capture data from paper based forms and documents just by scanning them. Data is populated into caTissue data model using SQL script in automated way. In case the data model changes with the new release of caTissue, the teleforms data mappings need to be re-defined.

12 Data Migration Utilities Migrates data from excel sheets into caTissue. Specimen collection, DNA extraction, destruction, shipment, etc are automatically handled by the utility. Data from excel sheets is read, processed by the utility and pushed into the caTissue system using the caTissue API service.

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