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Some of these slides are based on material from the ACM Computing Curricula 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Some of these slides are based on material from the ACM Computing Curricula 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some of these slides are based on material from the ACM Computing Curricula 2005

2  Science? ◦ Do computer scientists do experiments? (hypothesis, test, evaluate)  Art? ◦ Are there creative elements in computer science?  Engineering? ◦ Do computer scientists build things?  Math? ◦ Abstraction?  A combination of some or all of these?  Something else?

3  Theory?  Practice?  Infrastructure?  Configuration?  Development?  Management?

4  Systems?  Applications?  People?  Hardware?  Software?

5  Talk to clients and each other  Build systems (hardware and software)  Research possible approaches, tools  Gather requirements for a system  Analyze requirements  Develop test cases for a system  Design solution systems  Design interfaces  Implement solution systems  Integrate systems  Maintain systems (bug fixes, enhancements)

6  Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) has defined several versions of Computing Curricula  CC 2005 lists 5 sub-areas of computing: ◦ Computer Science ◦ Computer Engineering ◦ Information Systems ◦ Information Technology ◦ Software Engineering  rric_vols/CC2005-March06Final.pdf rric_vols/CC2005-March06Final.pdf

7 From CC 2005





12  When was the computer invented?

13  Depends on what you mean by “computer”…

14  Bones, other objects for counting – B.C.  Abacus (counting and calculating) – 3 rd century A.D.  John Napier’s logarithmic tables, slide rule – 1600’s  Blaise Pascal’s machine (addition) – 1640’s  Gottfried Leibniz’s mechanical calculator – 1673  Joseph Jacquard’s loom (punched metal cards) - 1804  Charles Babbage ◦ Difference Engine (specialized) designed – 1820’s ◦ Analytical Engine (generalized) designed – 1830’s

15  “Mill” – processor  “Store” – memory  Also, concepts of: ◦ Input and output ◦ Generalized program execution  “We may say most aptly that the Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard-loom weaves flowers and leaves” – Ada, Countess of Lovelace

16  Herman Hollerith, statistical tabulator for the U.S. Census Bureau, using paper punch cards for data – 1890 ◦ Later created company named International Business Machines Corporation  Quiet period until 1940’s  Mark 1 – mathematical computer with electro-mechanical relays, 1943  John von Neumann – computer design with input, output, memory, control, and arithmetic/logic unit, 1945  ENIAC, built by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly – first large-scale electronic (vacuum tubes) digital computer, 1946  First transistor – John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain, 1947  UNIVAC, first commercial computer, sold in 1951

17  1940s and early 1950’s – 1 st Generation (vacuum tubes, very large systems, programming in machine language)  1956-1963 – 2 nd Generation (transistors, large systems, assembly language)  1964-1971 – 3 rd generation (integrated circuits, high level languages (e.g. FORTRAN, C)  1971 – present – 4 th generation (microprocessors, new high level languages (e.g. C++, Java, C#) plus 4GL’s (e.g. Structured Query Language for database systems)

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