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Lecture 2 Computer development history. Topic History of computer development Computer generation Programming language.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 2 Computer development history. Topic History of computer development Computer generation Programming language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 2 Computer development history

2 Topic History of computer development Computer generation Programming language

3 History of Computer Development Charles Babbage Design first modern computer Invent –difference engine –Analytical Engine (main part of copmuter system)

4 History of Computer Development Count Ada Lovelace First programmer Assist in developing instruction for Babbage device computation

5 History of Computer Development Herman Hollerith Develop first computer using electrical power Founder of electronic punch card

6 History of Computer Development John V. Atanasoff & Clifford Berry Build first electronically operated digital computer ABC (Atanasoff Berry Computer)

7 History of Computer Development ENIAC (Electronik Numerical Integrator and Calculator) J.Mauchly & J.Presper Eckert Main general purpose electronic computer Used in world war II Used to solve mathematical problem Use vacuum tube

8 History of Computer Development

9 UNIVAC 1 (Universal Automatic Computer) First generation comercial computer For scientific and comercial applications Eckert & Mauchly send first UNIVAC to U.S Census Bureau in 1951.

10 History of Computer Development

11 UNIVAC characteristic Easier to use compared to ENIAC Less vacuum tube (more reliable) Stored program found by John Von Neumann General purpose Use machine language

12 History of Computer Development Apple Computer Found by Steve Jobbs dan & Steve Wozniak in 1977 First computer with easy to use screen and keyboard

13 History of Computer Development

14 Computer Generation First Generation Second Generation Third Generation Fourth Generation Fifth Generation

15 Computer Generation First Generation 1940’s – early 1950’s Vacuum tube as switch Bulky, slow, easily heated Always fail ABC, MARK1, ENIAC, UNIVAC Stored program concept (Von Neumann) Assembly Language

16 Computer Generation Second Generation 1950’s – mid 1960 transistor as switch Smaller and faster (x1000) Less heat, more reliable, cheap The usage of high level language begins DEC-PDP-1

17 Computer Generation Third Generation Late 1960’s Silicon chip as switch Smaller and faster (x1000) More reliable

18 Computer Generation Fourth Generation 1970’s –current Single processor microchip as switch Very low cost and afforded by individual

19 Computer Generation Fifth Generation Japan founded artificial intelligence in the mid 1990 Expert system, natural language Communication and network

20 Generati on Electronic circuit Main Memory Secondary Memory InputOutputComputer Size 1 Vacuum TubeMagnetic reel-Magnetic reel M agnetic tape -paper tape punch card punch card - printer Room size 30 ton,1500 kps,18000 vacuum tube,140k/ w 2 transistorMagnetic core M agnetic tape - Magnetic disk punch cardpunch card - printer Drawer size 3 Integrated circuit Magnetic core M agnetic tape M agnetic disk -keyboard, Magnetic tape,Magneti c disk -printer video display Table size 4 microprocesso r Semiconduct or circuit -magnetic disk -diskette -magnetic wave keyboard Optical recognition Light pen Graphic tablet - printer, video display, audio response Typewriter size HISTORY AND COMPUTER REVOLUTION

21 Programming Language GenerationProgramming Language 1Machine Language 2Assembly Language 3High Level Language 4Very High Level Language 5Natural Language

22 Programming Language Machine language Low level language Use number Data and program instruction is 0 and 1(0n/off) Program written in other language must be changed to machine language before execution

23 Programming Language Assembly language Low level Use mnemonic code, abbreviation Program written in this language is translated by assembler into machine language program code before execution

24 Programming Language High Level Language Exist 1960 Similar to English Program written in this language is able to overcome more complex problem/task Translator is known as compiler which change program to machine language before execution Commercial application such as C/C++

25 Example of High Level Language for Displaying “Hello World” Cobol : DISPLAY “Hello World” Basic : PRINT “Hello World” C : printf (“Hello World”); Java : System.out.println(“Hello World”) C++ : cout<< “Hello World”

26 Programming Language Very High Level Language Known as 4GL Program is written shorthand form Able to handle hundreds instruction lines (3 rd generation language can handle few lines only) Example: Query Language

27 Programming Language Natural Language Similar to spoken English Language Natural Language translate human instruction into codes that understandable by computer Also known as knowledge base language Interact with knowledge base

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