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#Tag Events Who We Are: We are a professional creative team of event management specialist. #Tag Events producing high quality events of every type and.

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Presentation on theme: "#Tag Events Who We Are: We are a professional creative team of event management specialist. #Tag Events producing high quality events of every type and."— Presentation transcript:

1 #Tag Events Who We Are: We are a professional creative team of event management specialist. #Tag Events producing high quality events of every type and scale. Our passion is managing the behind-the-scenes details to deliver a superior event experience while having a creative approach towards marketing. We thrive on delighting you – our valued customer – by helping you host events that meet or exceed your business goals. #Tag Events

2 #The Big Bang Show Sponsorship Proposal Date - 7th June 2015
Venue - Baija taal, Phool bhag, Gwalior, M.P Crowd Expected to 2000+ Sponsorship Proposal #Tag Events

3 #Idea Behind the Event To generate and communicate a positive image and high profile of rock band music in Gwalior. To strengthen the music community and give aspiring young singer and musician a grand platform to showcase their talent. Associating with us is not only promising you an opportunity to sponsor for a band war but also to contact with the spirit of the audience. #Tag Events

4 #Event Flow 3 days before show- Audition (5 to 8 Band will be Selected) Show day- Walk-in 4.00 p.m. onwards. Guest welcoming Interaction with audience and guest Band Performance`s Flash Mob in between the show Upcoming Singers Exciting Activities Felicitation to Sponsors And much more… #Tag Events

5 Why Should You Sponsor Us?
Here is your opportunity to unleash power of your brand with audience across Gwalior.

6 #Sponsor`s Benefits As we have the approximation of getting 1500 to crowd for this event, you get a generous platform to broadcast your company name, which will be very beneficial for upcoming season of your product. Sponsoring and supporting our event will lead your brand achieve more mileage and create more favorable public image. #Tag Events

7 #Sponsor`s Benefits We are also concerned about the event marketing as we are working on a standard platform, so it ensures that your brand name is mentioned with the same aspect and it will lead to a appropriate marketing plan for the year. Announcements done during the event activities ensures participants and guest to know about your Brand. #Tag Events

8 #Sponsors Division Title Sponsor Rs. 50,000/- Co- Sponsor (4)
Associate Sponsor (8) Rs. 15,000/- Revert Soon… #Tag Events

9 #Title Sponsor #Tag Events
Sponsor Name will appear as the presenter of the event at all publicity locations and material Banners & posters all around event venue & displaying large logo of the Sponsor. Prominent display of your brand logo on stage backdrop The event will be covered by electronic & press media. Optimum advantage to the sponsor through the valuable media with wide readership. Announcement of your brand name during the show. Prominent Branding at the venue Felicitation of the Presenting Sponsor on the stage #Tag Events

10 #Co-Sponsors #Tag Events
Prominent display of your brand logo displayed on stage. The event will be covered by electronic & press media. Optimum advantage to the Co-Sponsors through our valuable media. Announcement of the name of the Co-Sponsors during event show Banners / A3 posters all around event venue. Prominent Branding at the venues. #Tag Events

11 #Associate Sponsor Your brand logo displayed on venue.
The event will be covered by electronic & press media. Prominent Branding at the venues and outside venue, in promotional activites. #Tag Events

12 Approx Budget for the Event Rs. 3,22,500/-
#Event Budget Approx Budget for the Event Rs. 3,22,500/- #Tag Events

13 #THANK YOU Contact - Akash +918828188128 Brijendra +919930927657
Varun Sonu - #Tag Events

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