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Working on our imperfections through our thoughts, speech, and behavior.

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1 Working on our imperfections through our thoughts, speech, and behavior.

2   How many resolutions did you make? How many did you keep?  More importantly, how resolved were you in establishing and maintaining relationships ?  Husband/Wife or Parents/Children?  Employer/Employee?  Brother/Brother or Believer/Unbeliever? 2013

3   Let’s face it: we have all have had failing moments in possibly (probably?) every relationship.  In other words…  We are imperfect people…  Living imperfect lives…  And thus have imperfect relationship. Reality

4   Christians long for the day when this incorruptible puts on incorruption.  Until that day, we will struggle to live as God desires and wills. Matt. 5:48  You see, God desires for us to see ourselves for who we are… imperfect. Thus our need for a Savior. Longing For Perfection

5   While we strive for unity, however, we are continually beset by the very flaws we wish to rid:  Pride, jealousy, envy, selfishness, covetousness, etc.  It is because we live in the flesh that we struggle in our relationships here on earth – even with those we are striving to be with for eternity. Introduction

6   It is important, therefore, that we take a sobering look at our hearts:  What are our thoughts for or against each other.  How do we speak about and/or toward each other.  What do we do for or against each other. Introduction

7   As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. Prov. 23:7  While our thoughts do not always manifest itself outwardly…they do reveal the kind of hearts we possess. Matt. 15:19-20a  Conversely, we need to dwell anything worthy of praise. Phil. 4:8 Our Thoughts Toward Each Other

8   Thus, our thoughts must be centered around the love we have before God and others.  Because we live in the flesh we must work diligently against the flesh. Cp. 1 Cor. 13:4-7  We need to have a spirit of patience before patience is manifested.  We need a spirit of kindness, longsuffering, etc… thinking the best of/in others. Our Thoughts Toward Each Other

9   Out of the abundance of the heart a man speaks. Lk. 6:45  Those with a good and noble heart (Speak the truth and sincerity).  Those with a good heart speak openly and forthrightly.  Some, to hide an evil heart, speak words of hypocrisy. Prov. 23:7 Our Speech Toward Each Other

10   The necessity of godly speech toward each other.  Because we live in the flesh our speech is not always as it should be.  We need to work hard at having speech seasoned with grace. Col. 4:6  We need to use our tongues to edify one another. Eph. 4:29 Our Speech Toward Each Other

11   As our speech goes, so goes our behavior. Jas. 3:13-18  Living in the flesh it is easy to become angry, indifferent, or uncaring.  Loving behavior however, seeks the best to help others.  As Christians living in a world full of sin and sorrow, it is easy to behave when all is well, but the real test comes when we are tried in difficult circumstances. Jas. 1:2 Our Behavior Toward Each Other

12   While in this world of imperfection we need to exemplify godly behavior.  We must be careful in how we behave in the household of God. 1 Tim. 3:15  Our actions should always be to lift each other up, not tear each other down.  Because what we sow here on earth (among the saints) we will reap for eternity. Matt. 7:17-21 Our Behavior Toward Each Other

13   While we may technically never be perfect we must strive for it until we are perfected.  When we sin against our God or one another, repentance/lack thereof will show what kind of people we are.  All brethren, however, must be loving and patient with one another through our imperfections as we strive together to serve the Lord. Conclusion

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