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Unit One: Lecture 1.5 Major World Monotheisms. Now, flip to the back of the sheet and compose a “multi-paragraph” explanation of everything on the front!

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Presentation on theme: "Unit One: Lecture 1.5 Major World Monotheisms. Now, flip to the back of the sheet and compose a “multi-paragraph” explanation of everything on the front!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit One: Lecture 1.5 Major World Monotheisms

2 Now, flip to the back of the sheet and compose a “multi-paragraph” explanation of everything on the front! A.C.E.S

3  What religion believes in Brahman, Karma, and Reincarnation?  What are the main principles of Confucianism?  How does Hinduism relate to social classes?  Name 3 monotheistic religions?  What do you know about Christianity and Judaism? KNIGHT’S CHARGE

4 WEIRD DISNEY FACT OF THE DAY! The Sorcorer in Fantasia’s name is “Yen Sid.” “Dis ney” backwards. His apprentice is Mickey Mouse.

5 What is a religion? Religion: A set of beliefs in service or worship of a superhuman presence! -Often tries to explain the unexplained… -The unexplained? -Where did we come from? -What happens after we die? -What is the point of life? - Why do people like Drake? MAJOR MONOTHEISMS

6 Well, we are going to learn about religion…..Backwards! Yeah, from recent… oldest! SO, HOW ARE WE GOING TO DO THIS?

7 Religions that believe in ONE god! MONOTHEISTIC

8 There are 3 main monotheistic religions…and one exception. They are the top 4 belief systems in the world today. First…the exception: -Irreligion = Does not have a religion -Atheism = The theory that god or gods do not exist. MONOTHEISM

9 Judaism: AKA…Jewish, Jews, or the Hebrews Believe in one God that was: 1.Omniscient – All Knowing 2.Omnipresent – Everywhere 3.All Powerful – Umm...All Powerful The Hebrews believed that all events in history and their faith MUST be interconnected! Each event reflects God’s plan for the Jews. MONOTHEISM


11 Due to these beliefs, the Jews began to record Laws and Rules into the Torah. Torah = the most sacred Jewish Text (Hebrew Bible or Holy Book ) JUDAISM

12 The Torah has 24 total books. Including…the first 5 books of the Bible: 1.Genesis – We’re here 2.Exodus – We’re leaving 3.Leviticus – We are sacrificing stuff 4.Numbers – We’ve got laws 5.Deuteronomy – We’re crossing a river TORAH

13 The oldest known text of the Hebrew Bible Discovered in 1947 Written around 2,000 years ago Written on Papyrus, bound in leather, and found in clay pots, they were found in a cave just outside of the dead sea. THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS

14 Who was the original leader of the Hebrews? Abraham He and his family lived in a place called Canaan (present day Palestine.) As the story goes, after passing God’s test…God and Abraham made a covenant, or a binding agreement JUDAISM

15 Covenant = A promise or agreement The Israelites, God’s “chosen people,” would be given the “promised land” or Canaan (Current Palestine). GOD’S COVENANT W/ THE ISRAELITES

16 Augustus = First religious leader of Rome. Rome was Polytheistic and they based many of their gods on the Greek gods. In fact, Roman law was set up to punish those who disagreed with the Roman gods. Eventually, the Roman emperors were worshipped as gods themselves. Rome controlled the land that the Jews lived on. They allowed the Jews to have their own religion, but often mistreated them. CHRISTIANITY

17 -Born in Bethlehem. -Grew up in Nazareth. -Taught moral and ethical lessons -Was JEWISH -Believed in ONE God -Said to have performed miracles -Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah (Son of God, sent to save the world.) -Disciples – Followers of Jesus JESUS

18 Roman leaders became concerned as more people began to follow Jesus. The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, ordered that Jesus be put to death by crucifixion (30 A.D.) The teachings of Jesus spread and became known as…Christianity. The Apostles – Followers of Jesus – wrote gospels about his life and spread his teachings. Christians were persecuted, and the Romans often ordered their deaths. JESUS

19 Persecution of Christians finally stopped in 313 A.D. Constantine became the new emperor of Rome after he received a “message from God” in a dream. Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D. Making Christianity an accepted religion in Rome. CHRISTIANITY

20 Is made of TWO primary parts: 1.The Old Testament – The Books of the Bible before Jesus 2.The New Testament - The Books of the Bible about Jesus and his teachings - Some of the primary teachings in the New Testament are called Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)…Though, not all gospels made it into the Bible as we know it. THE BIBLE

21 Christianity in Rome would become the Roman Catholic Church….Headed by the Pope. There are many other Christian churches and branches in the world today…With just over 2 BILLION followers. FINALLY…

22 Jeopardy JEOPARDY

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