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Advertising Unit: Breaking Down the Buzz Writing in the Media Spring 2015 – Ms. Daigle.

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Presentation on theme: "Advertising Unit: Breaking Down the Buzz Writing in the Media Spring 2015 – Ms. Daigle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advertising Unit: Breaking Down the Buzz Writing in the Media Spring 2015 – Ms. Daigle

2 Advertising & Race How are these ads contributing to racial stereotypes?

3 Advertising & Gender Ads often tell females how to be girls and males how to be boys… Gender Ads Project


5 “Cool Hunting” There is a variety of internet sites directed at female teens. These include,, and Even though these sites are directed toward teenage females, each of these sites is actually put together by people who are twenty- and thirty-something years old. These sites rely on cool hunting to find out what teenage females are interested in, how they talk, and how advertisers can get their attention.

6 Hey Guys, You’re More Than Just a Pretty Face.

7 Body Dysmorphic Disorder


9 What happens when celebrities endorse more than a product?!

10 Celebrity Endorsement: (n) A form of brand or advertising campaign that involves a well known person using their fame to help promote a product or service. Manufacturers of perfumes and clothing are some of the most common business users of classic celebrity endorsement techniques, such as television ads and launch event appearances, in the marketing of their products. Read more: endorsement.html#ixzz3S8sM86dFformbrandadvertising campaignpersonpromoteserviceManufacturerscommonbusinessuserstechniqueslauncheventappearancesmarketingproducts endorsement.html#ixzz3S8sM86dF Kevin Harrington,, released his op-ed on January 31 st, 2015, stating that companies needn’t bother spend money on a celebrity endorsement unless the product is the celebrity himself/herself. Why do you think this is?




14 As consumers, we want to see honesty and true testimonies. We already know the celebrities who endorse the ads get serious money for it… “The marketing is woven into the celebrities’ content, plans and projects, as well as in traditional advertising for the brand.” We’re looking for ‘influencers’ who can deliver a message.

15 Data Stash -What’s your story? Snickers. Why wait? T-Mobile BMW Commercial


17 Twitter & Celeb Endorsements. #laws#laws Social Media Advertising Regulations Facebook Ads and Promoted Tweets are easily recognizable as advertisements due to their layout and labelling. However, Twitter endorsements from a celebrity can be deemed as misleading as it is not made clear that the celeb has been paid to tweet about the product. This has caused the Advertising Standards Authority (UK) and the Federal Trade Commision (USA) to investigate these types of tweets and state that adverts made via a celebrities Twitter page should incorporate the hashtag “#ad”.Advertising Standards Authority Federal Trade Commision But, this raises the question of how to uphold these regulations and where to draw the line when it comes to celebrity endorsements.regulations What if a celeb was simply tweeting their love of their new shoes or favorite restaurant without payments or promoting their own brands, television shows or records?


19 Facebook isn’t having it, though!

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