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TD Conclusions: picking up ideas to bring back home Davide Venturi, Labour inspector, Ministry of Labour, Italy 67TH MEETING OF SENIOR LABOUR INSPECTORS.

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Presentation on theme: "TD Conclusions: picking up ideas to bring back home Davide Venturi, Labour inspector, Ministry of Labour, Italy 67TH MEETING OF SENIOR LABOUR INSPECTORS."— Presentation transcript:

1 TD Conclusions: picking up ideas to bring back home Davide Venturi, Labour inspector, Ministry of Labour, Italy 67TH MEETING OF SENIOR LABOUR INSPECTORS COMMITTEE (SLIC) Rome, 13th November 2014 The information contained in this publication does not necessary reflect the official position of the European Commission

2 Why a Thematic Day on “Non standard Work and OSH”?  Trying to focus on the following questions:  Is non standard work (NSW) more insecure than standard work?  How is NSW approached at workplace level?  What OSH should do for NSWers? What methodologies should/might be introduced?  What is the role of labour inspection in approaching OSH and NSW? Are there good practices, suggestions throughout Europe? TD Conclusions: picking up ideas to bring back home Rome, 13 th November 2014

3 scientific base in approaching OSH and NSW (European/National statistics) give voice to “on the field” qualified observers multidisciplinary approach (legal, technical, medical) give voice to Labour inspectors (multinational approach) within a specific session whose objective is promoting “contamination” through exchange of experiences/benchmarking The approach we meant to follow in the TD TD Conclusions: picking up ideas to bring back home Rome, 13 th November 2014

4 Temporary work and OSH, risks and challenges Mini Jobs and OSH issues flexible regulation and labour inspection labour inspection tackling undeclared work, illegal work, cases of fraud and abuse Apprenticeship and OSH regulation IT FR ES LT SE PL Labour Inspection and NSH: CASES TD Conclusions: picking up ideas to bring back home Rome, 13 th November 2014 DE

5 The main Results of the TD: Some “sound” questions: General questions:  Are NSWers more exposed to OSH risks?  Are there specific groups of NSWers more exposed to OSH risks?  (IF and) WHAT measures to be taken to prevent accidents at work for NSWers? Scientific/Legal questions:  are traditional measurement methods still suitable in measuring OSH risks for NSWers (new indicators)?  Is the duty of care still efficient in outsourcing?  How to find liabilities for injuries in multi-level subcontracting chains?  Are non-standard workers suitable for high risk sectors?  Are subcontracting chains suitable for high risk sectors?  What role can play self-regulation in vertical disintegration processes?  Is it possible to improve OSH standards through fair salaries and remunerations? Medical/technical questions:  Do traditional occupational risks increase in NSW ?  Are non-standard workers exposed to new occupational risks ?  Are the current risk assessment procedures still suitable in this new context? TD Conclusions: picking up ideas to bring back home Rome, 13 th November 2014

6 The main Results of the TD: some operational suggestions to bring back home 1)For NSWers (or, “lower SES workers”, SES: Socio- Economic Status) better promoting “Organizationally (not individually) focused approaches”: focus to specific “groups” of NSWers, such as:  shift workers (and night shift workers)  immigrants;  young people (apprentices);  middle aged workers (men and women) with weak fixed term contracts and young women with weak fixed term contracts. 2) Besides direct enforcement, it is necessary to improve “responsiveness” in outsourcing: who does what in terms of prevention and risks assessment, not just punishment in case of accidents. TD Conclusions: picking up ideas to bring back home Rome, 13 th November 2014

7 The main Results of the TD: some operational suggestions to bring back home [… continues:] 3) Preventive measures for NSWers:  adequate interferential risks assessment  In Outsourcing, recurring to “qualified contractors”: checking documents related to:  Risk Assessment Report for Multi-Employer Workplace  Safety and Coordination Plan, Operational Safety Plan  Information, Training  Health check-ups  PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)  Nomination of Works Managers and Safety Coordinators  Adequate salaries [?] 4) In progress measures for NSWers:  organizational compliance assessment;  information exchange on risks.  Recurring to Self-enforcement regulatory measures (case of Outsourcing) such as: risks assessment; documents collection; training and training check (on the contractors’ organization); “organizational compliance assessment”. TD Conclusions: picking up ideas to bring back home Rome, 13 th November 2014

8 Thank you for your attention Davide Venturi Labour Inspector Ministry of Labour, Italy 67TH MEETING OF SENIOR LABOUR INSPECTORS COMMITTEE (SLIC) Rome, 13th November 2014

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