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Mainstreaming of NAPA into the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) in Rwanda LEG ST Meeting on Preparation and implementation of.

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Presentation on theme: "Mainstreaming of NAPA into the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) in Rwanda LEG ST Meeting on Preparation and implementation of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mainstreaming of NAPA into the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) in Rwanda LEG ST Meeting on Preparation and implementation of NAPAs: Bangkok- Thailand 4 September 2007

2 Outline  EDPRS: What is it?  How is it prepared?  What are the priorities?  What are the inputs of Environment?  Way forward.

3 EDPRS: What is it?  Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS): Is the second generation of Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) with balance between productive and social sectors Is a framework for the implementation of Rwanda Vision 2020 Covers the period 2008 to 2011 (medium-term)  EDPRS aims at: Guiding the actions of the Government in 2008-11, Mobilizing resources from donors, and Involving the private sector and the civil society. The overall goal is to Achieve sustainable economic growth and social development

4 How is it prepared?  Evaluation of PRSP1 (2002-2005)  Sector self evaluation  Elaboration of Sector’s Logframes in 13 sector working groups  Integration of priorities from decentralised entities (Districts and sectors)  Drafting document and Consultation with diferent stakholders

5 EDPRS Priorities 1. Skills for knowledge-based society 2. Agriculture(need increased budget/execution and foster transformation) 3. Infrastructures (need to reduce business operational costs) 4.Financial sector (need implement FSDP and capture comparative advantage) 5.Manufacturing and services 6.Population and health (need to promote quality of life) 7.Productive social transformation (need to empower extremely poor) 8.Governance, security and justice (need to solidify achievements) 9.Environment and Land 10.Cross cutting issues: Gender, environment, Social Inclusion and HIV/AIDS

6 Poverty diagnosis and Climate change  Among the 6 Mayor causes of poverty identified during consultations with the population, 2 emerging causes are related to climate change: - Poor soils due to erosion, - Persistant Drouhgt One cause is an exposition to the climate change: the inadequate infrastructures: roads, electricity, early warning system.

7 Food insecurity and Climate change

8 Reponses of NAPA to the vulnerability analysis  NAPA document elaborated with a participatory approach and the LEG guidelines is a tool for planning (one of the criteria to select priorities is the impact on the sustainalbe development:social,economic &environment).  NAPA contains 20 adaptation options related to the local dynamic (community) and implementable in the national development programs  Taking into account existing interventions in the country, the necessity of working in an integrated manner and the experiences from other countries, the following areas has been identified as high priority and project profile have been elaborated:

9 NAPA Priority Projects  1. Early warning system and rapid intervention  2. Integrated management of water resources ( GIRE)  3. Promotion of the off-farm employments  4. Introduction of adaptative varieties  5. Development of alternative source of energy and the use of efficient wood based technologies  6. Intensification of agriculture

10 Inputs of Environment into the EDPRS? A. Environment as a pillar:  Aim: Ensure optimal utilization & sustainable management of natural resource base  Outputs: - 1 Effective legal, regulatory and policy systems and institutional frameworks for management of the environment and natural resources implemented - 2: Ecosystems sustainably managed for income generation - 3: Pollution management improved - 4: Effective land administration services in place, accessible to all and protecting land rights of all citizens

11 Inputs of Env (next) - 5: Land use planning and management processes in place for improved and sustainable land use - 6: Forest resources managed for economic productivity and ecosystem services - 7: Forestry and Agro-forestry resources used efficiently to provide energy, generate income & support livelihoods 8: Performance, productivity and value addition in the mining sector enhanced and based on environmentally sustainable practices B. Environment as a cross cutting issue (Real mainstreaming):  Process: - A checklist was prepared to mainstream environment into sector logframe and District Development Plans - A Key note was prepared to be used in each sector. - For mitigation of impact of climate change,key activities were identified in the following sectors:

12 Inputs of Env (next)  Agriculture: intensification, soil conservation, varieties resistant to the peristant drought, irrigation and crops conservation  Energy: access to electricity, increase the use of alternatives to the woods cooking stoves  Infrastructures: Increase the density and quality of the road network, urban Master plan and settlement, a functionning an early waring system  Employment: Off-farm employement  Industry: crops transformation and add value for income generation  Forestry: reforestation and better management of forestry resources for economic and ecologic services.

13 Inputs of Env (Next)  Water and sanitation: increase the access to safe drinking water, increase access to sanitation, integrated management.

14 Where we are/Where do we want to be? Selected key indicatorsWhere we are in 2007Where we want to be in 2012 Real GDP growth6.9%8.1% Poverty56.9%46% Extreme poverty36.9%24% Employment in agriculture 80%70% Electricity generation 45 MWh130 MWh Access to electricity 4% 15% Road network in good condition 41%80% Water (% access to clean water) 64%80%

15 Where we are/Where do we want to be? Selected key indicatorsWhere we are in 2007Where we want to be in 2012 Soil conservation (% of land terraced) 40%80% Irrigation (ha of marshland and hillside land) 15 000 ha2 4 000ha Forest coverage20.2%24.3% Acces to improved sanitation 3865 Urban population1722 Areas protected to maintain biodiversity 810 Wood energy in the total energy consumption 94%50%

16 Way forwad  Development of Sector strategies to implement EDPRS taking into account NAPA priorities,  Elaboration of the Second National communication on climate change which integrates NAPA and helping to raise awareness of policy makers, stakholders decentralized entities and the public,  Capacity bulding at all level: National steering committee, Environment Sector working group,private sector, media,…  Mobilization of funds.


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