Interconception and Preconception Health Jeff Rothenberg, MD, MS.

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Presentation on theme: "Interconception and Preconception Health Jeff Rothenberg, MD, MS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interconception and Preconception Health Jeff Rothenberg, MD, MS


3 Interconception and Preconception Health Discuss strategies for integrating the message of healthy lifestyle = positive pregnancy outcomes into patient care

4 Interconception and Preconception Health Explain how to integrate Reproductive Life Plan and preconception counseling into patient education

5 Interconception and Preconception Health Define how medication exposures, maternal diet, diabetes control, and obesity affect pregnancy care

6 What do these have in common?

7 BEHAVORIAL CHANGES – Hard to do – Possible – Need support & knowledge

8 Preconception health only matters if you have health problems True or False

9 Preconception health matters to all sexually active women. Even if a woman's overall health is good, some foods, habits, and medicines can affect her or her unborn baby if she becomes pregnant

10 A reproductive life plan is an agreement a woman makes with her doctor Tue or False

11 A reproductive life plan involves setting goals about having (or not having) children. It also involves knowing what actions you will take to support your goals

12 Unplanned pregnancies are at greater risk of both preterm birth and low birth weight babies True or False

13 This fact is concerning because half of all pregnancies are not planned. Using an effective birth control every time you have sex is the best way to prevent unplanned pregnancy

14 Only pregnant women need to take folic acid True or False

15 All women who are sexually active should take 400 to 800 micrograms (400 to 800 mcg or 0.4 to 0.8 mg) of folic acid every day – lower the risk of some birth defects of the brain and spine should pregnancy occur

16 About one in eight babies is born too early True or False

17 Researchers are trying to find out why and how to prevent preterm birth. But experts agree that women need to be healthier before becoming pregnant

18 Men don't need to worry about preconception health True or False

19 Men can take steps to boost their own health and protect the health or their partners Men can be screened and treated for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to prevent passing an STI to their female partners STIs can be very harmful to pregnant women and their unborn babies Men who work with chemicals or other toxins can be careful not to expose women to them

20 Women should make an appointment with their doctors to discuss their preconception health at least one month before becoming pregnant True or False

21 Women should make a preconception health visit at least three months before pregnancy Some women need more time to get their bodies ready for pregnancy Preconception care can improve your chances of getting pregnant, having a healthy pregnancy, and having a healthy baby

22 It's okay to drink alcohol when you're trying to become pregnant True or False

23 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that women stop drinking alcohol for at least three months before getting pregnant – should you become pregnant you will avoid potentially harmful exposure to the fetus during the earliest stages of development

24 Men can improve their own reproductive health by limiting alcohol use and quitting smoking and/or illegal drug use True or False

25 Studies show that men who drink a lot, smoke, or use drugs can have problems with their sperm This might affect a couple's ability to conceive

26 Knowing about health problems that run in your or your partner's family can help your doctor figure out any genetic risk factors that could affect the health of any children you might have True or False

27 Depending on your genetic risk factors, your doctor might suggest you meet with a genetic professional before or during your pregnancy


29 10 tips (Lamaze international) Learn as much as possible about the wonderful ways that your body is changing and about how your baby is growing. Talk to your mother, your friends, and other women about pregnancy, labor, and birth. Attend an early pregnancy childbirth class, read books, and watch videos about normal pregnancy and childbirth.

30 10 tips (Lamaze international) Think about whether you want to give birth at a hospital, at a birthing center, or at home. Choose a health care provider who will be able to assist you in your chosen location and who helps build your confidence for pregnancy and childbirth.

31 10 tips (Lamaze international) Eat a well-balanced diet, paying attention to the recommendations of the food pyramid. Drink more milk, or foods that substitute for milk, and eat a little extra protein. If you don't eat several servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, take a prenatal vitamin that contains folic acid. Drink lots of water - six to ten glasses a day - and choose real fruit juices instead of sodas.

32 10 tips (Lamaze international) Avoid substances that may be dangerous for you and your baby, such as cigarettes, alcohol, and street drugs. Do not take any medications, even over-the-counter medications, unless you have discussed them with your health care provider.

33 10 tips (Lamaze international) Stay active! Continue exercise programs that you were doing before you became pregnant according to the recommendations of your health care provider. If you were not exercising before becoming pregnant, consider yoga, walking, or swimming. Start with short periods of exercise, and gradually increase the amount of time you are exercising.

34 10 tips (Lamaze international) Get plenty of rest. Listen to your body to determine if you need short breaks during the day and to determine how many hours of sleep you need at night.

35 10 tips (Lamaze international) Talk to your baby and enjoy your growing bond with him. Research now shows that babies react to the sense of touch as early as ten weeks of pregnancy. A little later, she can react to light, your voice, music, and other sounds.

36 10 tips (Lamaze international) Try to minimize the stress in your life and practice stress management techniques such as slow, deep breathing and relaxing various muscle groups when you feel under stress. You can learn these techniques and other strategies for relaxation in childbirth education classes.

37 10 tips (Lamaze international) Plan your baby's birth. For most women, birth is normal, natural, and healthy. Learn as much as possible about what birth is like in the location you have chosen. Ask questions about the six care practices that are known to promote normal birth. Lamaze classes will help you understand what happens during childbirth and will help you and your partner learn positions and movements which will aid labor and ways to cope with the stress and pain.

38 10 tips (Lamaze international) Enjoy this special time in your life! Your partner, your family and friends can help make the most of this wonderful transition. Have confidence in your body's ability to grow, nourish, and give birth to this baby as women have done for centuries.

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