Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs New Skills for New Jobs Up-grading.

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1 Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs New Skills for New Jobs Up-grading Staff and Organizations

2 Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs 1>General overview 2>Key stakeholders 3>Emerging skills needs 4>Responsive education systems 5>Emerging skills demands 6>Recommendations

3 Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs > 01 The driver: labor market What approach to make education and training systems more responsive to emerging skills needs, to match future demands in more and more globalized labor markets ?

4 Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs > 01 The EU context Key competences are a central feature of lifelong learning policies at the EU level and in Member States in comparison with the USA for example (see also Australia and Asia-Pacific).

5 Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs > 02 Key player: researchers On what would the learning and teaching experience be based without underpinning research?  Dogma  Theory  Ideology  Convenience  Prejudice

6 Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs > 02 Key player: vet experts Teachers have a key role in fostering the quality in procedural learning (learning to learn, etc.). On the importance of research on daily class and training room practices as a tool for development.

7 Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs > 02 Key player: policy-makers Educational policy-makers have the tendency to stimulate quick generic curriculum reforms. Example of policy-maker mistake: ignoring the shadow education system.

8 Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs > 02 Key player: employers Apprentices «just as important as graduates» The influence of the social media networking: the Linked-In practice The shadow education system

9 Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs > 03 Emerging skills needs (1>4) The EU perspective: key competences policy action (2006) Considerable impact on reforms of curriculum on teachers’ education and training, and learner-centred assessment approaches

10 Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs > 03 Emerging skills needs (2>4) Key competences are a combination of knowledge, skills, and attitudes perceived as essential Aimed to improve employability and civic participation in the context of lifelong learning

11 Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs > 03 Emerging skills needs (3>4) >Communication / mother tongue >Communication / foreign languages >Science and technology >Digital competences

12 Readdressing Education in Nourishing Experts Skills oficeforma portugal magisterial lesson 2 new skills for new jobs > 03 Emerging skills needs (4>4) >Learning to learn >Social and civic competences >Sense initiative / entrepreneurship >Cultural awareness / expression

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