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ELearning strategy in Hungary Dr László Kadocsa-dr. Gyula Gubán.

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Presentation on theme: "ELearning strategy in Hungary Dr László Kadocsa-dr. Gyula Gubán."— Presentation transcript:

1 eLearning strategy in Hungary Dr László Kadocsa-dr. Gyula Gubán

2 „Learning and teaching are wonderful things but sometimes we have to remember that all the things that worth knowing cannot be taught” (Oscar Wilde)

3 Development distance learning in the EU The milestones of development March 2000: aim of eEurope strategy: „to make Europe the most competitive and dinamic knowledge-based economy ” 81 million pupils, 5 million teachers, millions of adults participating in the training May 2000: The EU Committee: „The eLearning Action Plan”: Designing tomorrow’s education. December 2002 : eLearning program 2004-2006: integration of ICT in education and training

4 Development distance learning in the EU The milestones of development 2005 Conclusion of the Council of Representatives of the Member State governments on the ICT: the knowledge –based economy and society needs a minimum level of digital literacy and skills for its workforce and the capacity to build higher level of ICT skills and competences required 2005 eLearning conference Brussels conclusion: investment in ICT for learning should be effective and sustainable with adequate funding and organisational transformation Digital literacy is a fundamental element of the knowledge society ICT contributes to more teaching and training process, helps foster and support innovation in pedagogy The use of ICT- supported learning helps workers acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for their job and personal development

5 Domestic eLearning strategy Present situation: 27 pupils/computers in public education 15 pupils/computers in higher education ICT tools are used only in 1% of the lessons low number of teachers applying ICT

6 Domestic eLearning strategy ICT in education multimedia presentation beside the traditional teaching methods Computer-based teaching (CBT) eLearning personalized education (distance learning+CBT+LMS) Digitalized teaching materials (LMS, LCMS)

7 Domestic eLearning strategy The aims of domestic eLearning Further steps to be done: accelerate the integration of ICT into education generalize the application of ICT methods support methodology development „best practice”

8 Domestic eLearning strategy The aims of domestic eLearning Strategic aims: curriculum reform- emphasizing ICT knowledge in the NAT integrating ICT knowledge in teacher training elaborating the methods and opportunities of the use of ICT in education and teacher training, and further training development of ICT in higher education: -its aim is to recruit information technology experts

9 Domestic eLearning strategy Digitalized teaching content Goals: -eLearning management system, authoring-tool -forming standards concerning eLearning teaching materials, developing eTeaching materials -establishing LCMS (learning content management system) based digital teaching material database

10 Domestic eLearning strategy Digitalized teaching content -provide content for users (sulinet ) -establish digital libraries and methodology centres provide ICT infrastructure

11 Sulinet 2002 Total distribution : 114’821 computers, of which –53’021 used only by students –35’030 used only by teachers –26’770 used both by students and teachers Total number of students : 2’200’135, of which –Elementary school student: 1’290’456 –Secondary school student: 990’679 Student/computer (only in case of Írisz-Sulinet) –41 students/1 computer regarding computers used only by students –27 students/1 computer considering computers used both by teachers and pupils.

12 National Development Plan 3. Priority: Promoting life-long learning and adaptability Measure 3.2.: Developing the content, methodology and structure of vocational training The components of the measure:  1. New qualification structure  2. Establishment of integrated vocational training centres 4. Priority:Developing the infrastructure of education, social services and health care Measure 4.1.: Developing the infrastructure of education and training

13 Development strategy for vocational education Development principles Extensive implementation of lifelong learning policy : In respect of the development of basic and key competences within school system, the following areas should be given priority: foreign language skills, ICT skills, communication skills, social and management skills Transparency Quality development-quality management

14 Development strategy for vocational education Operative targets Enhancing economic competitiveness Increasing mobility: to promote e-learning and ICT skills: in the forthcoming years, E-learning based adult education will be promoted by improving technical conditions for accessing the computer network Increasing efficiency

15 DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC LEARNING MATERIALS How many ‘E’ s are necessary for learning? learning success virtual communication tutorship structureflexibility inner motivation additions personal communication

16 Teaching students how to obtain a higher learning level eLearning High priority for Methods And Education Theory Establishing a new learning culture (change „paradigma”) Establishing communication media network DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC LEARNING MATERIALS eLearning –conclusion

17 General learning materials Closed web-based learning environment Consulting, evaluation Individual study Video and audio conferences Indoor activities, faculties (kontaktórák) Free websites Integrated Learning Form

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